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The Truth, The Bible and Everything between
Are you seeking truth and practical wisdom from the Bible? Look no further than "The Truth, The Bible and Everything Between" podcast. Join us for in-depth discussions relevant to all Christians and those hungry for the profound insights of the Scriptures. Delve into practical applications of biblical teachings and explore the intersections between faith, life, and everything in between. Tune in to enlightening conversations that bridge the gap between spiritual truths and everyday realities. Embark on a journey of discovery and growth.
The Truth, The Bible and Everything between
Episode 8 - Dealing with Pride and embracing humility
Ever wondered why pride is often considered the root of many downfalls? Join us in this eye-opening episode as we, Daniel Peters and Michael Vandenberg, dissect the multifaceted nature of pride from psychological, spiritual, and biblical viewpoints. Through vivid discussions and powerful stories, such as the tale of King Nebuchadnezzar, we illustrate how pride can lead us astray and the transformative power of embracing humility. Discover how recognizing and addressing pride can keep us aligned with God's will and foster a fulfilling spiritual life.
Reflect with us as we delve into ancient biblical narratives and modern-day anecdotes that highlight the consequences of unchecked pride. We draw invaluable lessons from the lives of biblical figures, and share personal experiences to underscore the importance of humility in our daily lives. Whether it's feeling superior to others or questioning God's plan, we unpack the subtle ways pride manifests itself, and why it's crucial to remain vigilant. Learn how practicing humility, even in conflict situations, can lead to peace, wisdom, and spiritual growth.
Finally, we turn to practical steps for cultivating humility, guided by the ultimate example set by Jesus. By exploring Proverbs 11:2 and other key scriptures, we offer actionable insights on maintaining a humble heart, even when it feels challenging. Our conversation is enriched with personal anecdotes and biblical teachings that emphasize the value of humility in our spiritual journey. Tune in and be inspired to seek God's guidance in overcoming pride, finding wisdom, and nurturing a humble spirit in all aspects of life.
If you have any thoughts or suggestions that you'd like to share with us, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at thebibleandtheologypodcast@gmail.com. We are always happy to hear from you!
Hello everybody and welcome to the latest episode of the Truth, the Bible and Everything Between with me, daniel Peters and Michael Vandenberg. Now, today, we are going to talk to you about a serious topic that relates to you and how you behave, and also the spirit which is god, and this is pride. So this is, um, it would be something very serious because, um, pride in the long run, I'm I'm just going to sort of do this sort of in reverse how it would actually happen to you is that you would actually end up in hell or under God's displeasure. Now, I think, when you consider pride, it is serious and it's something that influences people. You know the great, the small people everywhere. They have it in their heart and it's something that, with pride, you really don't know what you're doing because you give credit to it, and it's something which isn't from God. It's something which can sort of manipulate you, control your life.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah, exactly, manipulate you, control your life. Yeah, yeah, exactly now. I think today, michael and I are going to sort of, as we say, delve into this, you know, like um good pair of dwarves with our pickaxes so, dan, I actually have a little bit of an outline here for all of our listeners.
Speaker 2:So we're going to talk about the concept of pride and pride, like dan said, I think it hits home for many of us. You know like, as Christians, we need to be very careful how we actually deal with pride in our lives. Otherwise it can become one of our masters, and it's the last thing that we actually want to happen. So what we're going to do, we're going to actually divide today up in a few sections, you know like, just to make it a little bit more logical. The first section we're going to talk about understanding what pride is.
Speaker 2:The second segment we're going to actually look at some biblical examples of what pride looked like in the bible, by referencing two specific examples. And then the same segment, number three, will actually talk about the consequences of pride, which I think will, you know, just bring everything together. And for section four, we can actually talk about how you can overcome pride by bringing in humility in your own life. Yeah, that's right, not with more pride by bringing in humility, okay. So section one, dan understanding pride. So, before we even start delving, like you said, like the dwarves, you know what do you think? How would you sum up the concept of pride?
Speaker 1:Well, pride is basically yourself and what you do, that you sort of that you give credit to, but in a way which isn't actually considering God and what he does. So it's pride can have many sort of facets. I guess that would sort of function with people. And just to sort of you know, to sort of chip away at the first stone, I would give examples from the Bible. It talks about being proud of heart. It talks about having a haughty spirit. It talks about the, the pride of the eyes and the pride of life. So it also talks about arrogance and conceit and how we relate to people. So I would say these are sort of you know, just sussing it out.
Speaker 2:Look you know, from my perspective I, I think pride can be defined on two different fronts, like a psychological front, where you just simply think you're better than people, and then a spiritual front where you think you are better than god and you know like I. I think this manifests a little bit different in everybody. Dan, you know like you can have pride as a Christian or as anybody. You know like, the moment you think someone is less significant than you in the kingdom of God even. You know like, if you want to look at it from a Christian point of view. But also sometimes we have pride in our lives and we don't even notice it If we think that we have a better plan for our own lives than God, because we're essentially telling God, god, I know better, um, I'm, I'm this created being, but I have power within my own volition and because of that I'm able to make these decisions instead of you. So that can also manifest in that way what are you? What are your opinions on that, dan?
Speaker 1:um, see, I think this is interesting because when I sort of gave my opening, you know just little thought, um, you can see straight away how this becomes something which isn't necessarily out in the open, or how it fools people. And, um, I think, for myself, I, I think it's something very insidious and I think, you know, if we wanted to go now to a more deeper level, we know that the devil, his sin, was pride. I mean, obviously he has many sins you know, he's the father of lies and what have you.
Speaker 1:But pride was one of them and in his case, as Michael said, it was where he actually sought to basically, I think, become superior to God and foment rebellion in heaven. And so I would think, in my own sort of personal experience, I would say pride is something that happens to all people and you should actually beware.
Speaker 2:And the thing is, friends, friends, we sometimes all have it and we might not always be aware sometimes, that feeling that you have in your heart of being a little bit more superior than a guy, say, even I, I see this in christianity and I myself I'm guilty of it. You know, like if you've been walking a road with the lord for many years. Sometimes if a new christian, like if you've been walking a road with the Lord for many years, sometimes if a new Christian comes to you and they have a specific view, you almost scoff at it a little bit and be like, oh, this guy still has so much to learn. That can also be pride, my friends. So that's why we sometimes need to just be aware of that and be humble in the fact that we know Jesus and be humble in the fact, knowing that we are only saved by his grace and because of him we can have this wonderful relationship with God.
Speaker 1:Michael can I interject two verses related to that? And one is if you see a person who thinks that they know more than anyone else, there is more hope for a fool than for him. And another one is knowledge puffeth up, but charity edified amen. So, like I'm, I'm gonna be. You know, with these pride verses we're gonna have a good time, yeah yeah, no, fire them off, then that's fantastic.
Speaker 2:I also have two very relevant bible scriptures in my opinion. Um, we have proverbs 16, verse 18 pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Wow, that tells us in very clear terms. You know, like it. What is it going to lead to them. If we have pride in our lives, it can lead to our own destruction. And then also james 4, verse 6, but he gives more grace to therefore it. It says God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Wow.
Speaker 1:Where are the humble right?
Speaker 2:now there's a few of them.
Speaker 1:I'm sure some of you are counting your teeth and thinking where did I miss it?
Speaker 2:Of course. But look, dan, it takes some time to get to that place, you know like. And what I think we can do now, because you you mentioned briefly about you. You actually talked about Satan a little bit, saying that his biggest sin, you know like, is what we can see as pride, and I actually want to read a Bible scripture for us here. So now we're moving on to segment two biblical examples of pride.
Speaker 2:So I'm going to be reading from Isaiah 14, verse 12 to 15. How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn, you have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations, you said in your heart I will ascend to the heavens, I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. Now it was Isaiah 14, verse 12 to 15. Wow, dan, I think that's quite significant man you know like. Here obviously he's referring to the devil, who wanted to exalt himself in a way higher than God. And what ended up happening to him, dan? He was humbled, yeah, he was humbled, down to the lows of death.
Speaker 1:You know, some of those things are also prophetic as well.
Speaker 2:So we know that what will happen to the devil is also in the future Of course, of course, and also the lake of fire, exactly, and revelations, and here's another good example. So in the Bible there was this guy, king Nebuchadnezzar. I don't even know how to say it in English, I'm saying the.
Speaker 1:Afrikaans word All of you Persians out there, or Babylonians. We expect you to take this very seriously when he gets it wrong.
Speaker 2:So King Nebuchadnezzar okay, a king brought low by his own pride. I'm going to be reading from Daniel 4, verse 30. All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, he said is not the great Babylon I have built as royal residence by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty? Even as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven. This is what is decreed for you, king Nebuchadnezzar. Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals. You will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by you until you acknowledge that the most high is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and give them to anyone he wishes. Immediately, what has been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of the heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.
Speaker 2:I don't always think people realize the significance of this. Dan, like King Nebuchadnezzar, wasn't just a king of some petty little village in the middle of you. Know what we, what we know today, is like what? Where's Babylon? It's like Iraq, like those those areas you know, like Middle East, and you know it wasn't just a little village. This was, this was at the time, you know, like, the most significant kingdom in the world. Yeah, you know like, and he was the king of kings, if you can say it like that. But what did he do? He said that he's because of his might. You know, like, all of these beautiful things belong to him and he was struck down by his own pride.
Speaker 1:Well, not only that, but daniel had warned him. I think it was maybe like a year earlier, when he'd had a vision, and daniel told him, like he said oh, I wish that this vision wasn't about you, king, and like this is your chance to say sorry and to look after the poor, and you know, I think a few things like that sound advice from Daniel, you know.
Speaker 2:Of course.
Speaker 1:And look, dan, this just comes to show that you know, in the context of the Bible that was another Daniel. By the way, it's not referring.
Speaker 2:Other, daniel, dan, and the thing is in the context of the Bible. You know like it's very clear to see what pride can do to oneself and you know, like Dan, to be very honest, you know like in my own life I've experienced this before. You know times in my life where I felt that I had pride, maybe because of the authority position I've been given, or pride because of who I am in the kingdom of God.
Speaker 1:Michael rules over a smaller part of Babylon than Nebuchadnezzar.
Speaker 2:But the thing is, and you know like, I had pride in my life and you know like, and I was just blessed to be in a position where God could teach me to be more humble, and even now, as I'm sitting here, dan, you know like, obviously there are certain things in our lives that we don't always notice. We have pride, but just sometimes the way that we look at someone, that immediate, oh okay, yeah, like I, I know much more than them.
Speaker 1:They didn't even read the bible yet. Like I, I've read the bible a few times. I think I'm smart to use reverse psychology on me, all right, but I know what it's doing, of course, but the thing is but.
Speaker 2:But that's the thing. You know, like we, we think ourselves to be superior and in any way, shape or form, but but the truth is, dan, you know like, in the kingdom of God, those who are first will be last and those who are last will be first. And these are the words of Jesus. You know like, and my friends, if you want to get anywhere in your life, and not just in your walk with God, anywhere in your life, be humble, be humble. And you know, like Dan, you know I shared a little bit of my own.
Speaker 2:You know like, past few weeks with you, just before the podcast about you know like the Lord really dealing with me in my heart. You know like, and I was challenged the other day as I was praying. I was like Lord, what do you want from me in ministry? What do you want me to do for your kingdom? And I got this image in my mind where, if God asks me to be nothing but a humble potato farmer for the rest of my life, never pick up a mic, never do a podcast or write a book or do anything like that again, but be a humble potato farmer. But it's 100% within His will. Will I be content with that?
Speaker 1:all right, and God challenged me. Listen, michael, any of you potato farmers out there?
Speaker 2:I'm sorry, it's not me, it's not, it doesn't like I'm gonna.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna have a story to qualify this afterwards, carry on.
Speaker 2:But. But the concept that I'm getting at is, dan, you know like, up until that point where I'm saying, lord, I fully submit to your will, if it's your will, for me to be the humble potato farmer for the rest of my life, if I'm not at a point where I'm saying, yes, lord, I will be happy and content with my placement, then my heart is still not in the right place for ministry. And you know like, obviously, I'm working towards that, dan, and it's not always easy. You know like, sometimes it takes a lot of, a lot of dying to yourself, dying to your emotions, dying to what you want in life and that, my friends, is also a sense of pride, the things that you want in life. That is not aligned with god's kingdom is pride. And the thing is, up until that point did you go there and say, lord, today I humble myself before you, I want to crucify my, my, my desires, my wants, my needs, my sinful desires before your cross. Only then can god start to work with you.
Speaker 1:And look, I'm not there yet, dad, but in the verse there amen, um, because jesus said love, not the world. Neither the Can I put in the verse there Amen, because Jesus said Love, not the world, neither the things that are in the world. For if any man loveth the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is of the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. So that's. I just wanted to sort of, with what you're saying to you know, put it into action.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so anyway, of course no, but look, dan, that makes so much sense. You know, like I said, god will take us through things. But you know, like and this I feel like it's going to be the perfect little leeway to move into our next segment you know, like, the consequences.
Speaker 1:I know I'm rude to interrupt you, michael, but this is like baseball. You know, if I, if I see a ball and I happen to be carrying a bat, I may just like man dan, hundred percent that.
Speaker 2:That's why there's two of us here, man, like it's exactly what we're supposed to be doing, man. So the consequences of pride? Now, dan, even before I quote some bible scriptures, what do you think the consequences of pride is Like? I know you mentioned something a little bit in the beginning.
Speaker 1:See, this is, this is good because, um, my, my own experience is terrible. I mean, I've, I've made a mess of it. Um, I was telling Michael earlier actually what, what a genius I was, and, um, I had my IQ tested. You know, I was like was, and um, I had my iq tested. You know, I was like don't be harsh on me, I was, I think, eight years old, something like that, and um, you know, like basically got a good score on some crossword puzzles, but I went on from there to think I was smarter than anyone you know, and, like, being a little kid at school and I'm, bear in mind, like to put it into perspective, we know how the world works I wasn't that smart, but as a 12 year old doing well at, say, you know English or whatever, I got it into my head that I was like a proper, you know, smarter than everyone, like smarter than my mum, smarter than my teachers, and, and so, consequently, I got into trouble, and that's the way that it works, and I was evil.
Speaker 1:You know, I did things that ruined my life, and so that was one of my sort of first experiences when I actually became a Christian, and I found sort of what I'd done and I wasn't the boss, you know, and it didn't work.
Speaker 1:And I found sort of what I'd done and I wasn't the boss, you know, and it didn't work, and I realized how stupid I was and I realized how these people who were older than me and actually you know, very, very gracious to try and set me straight that I'd ignored you a bit of a perspective, for example, into some of the things you know where, how we've been saying that it works and it fools you and you can trip over. So that's um from there. Obviously, that's not like the one time that I was proud. So, you know, I think I've tried, like I'm, you know, as a Christian, for the last, say, 24-odd years I've been aware of being proud, but, as Michael was saying, it's something very insidious where, like, you could just go out and you think that person's an idiot. I'm not, you know, this is how it works. And yeah, then, like just even I mean just the way pride works, I'd say is very deceitful.
Speaker 2:The thing is it's subtle, you know like it doesn't just happen. Then you know like sometimes it starts as a little bit of a bias towards thinking. You know like maybe you know more than the people around you and then it gets to a point where you think everybody around you are idiots. You know like and that.
Speaker 1:The worst thing is that there are some like sneaky idiots out there. I'm not naming anyone.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but that's the whole thing. You know like, and, dan, you know like, if we ever take that stance in life, it can only lead to bad things.
Speaker 1:You know I'm joking, I'm not naming these idiots.
Speaker 2:So I have another Bible scripture here for us Proverbs 11, verse 2. When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. And, dan, that really that's the way it is, you know, because the moment we have pride in our lives, what starts to happen is we start building a wall between us and God. We start separating our relationship because, true, because God created us all, man and woman, to be equal, you know like, and and the thing is, if we ever think ourselves better than anybody else, we should re-evaluate our stance on these things, because it's not biblical at all.
Speaker 2:I love Jesus's approach to to. You know like. He treated everybody the same, you know like, and his love for people was universal. It doesn't matter what culture you came from, what race you were. You know like, you're all God's children. And the thing is, the moment we start realizing it, God can actually start working with us in our hearts, because if we have pride, we are building a wall between us and God, us in our hearts, because if we have pride, we are building a wall between us and god. Dan, are there any thoughts you want to add on to that before we move to our next section?
Speaker 1:well, I just want to. This is something which I guess not every christian would sort of think of right off the bat. But um, it also says humility is the fear of the lord. And, um, fearing God goes together with being humble. And Jesus, obviously he said to fear God. He said fear not him who can destroy the body, but fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Speaker 1:Now I'd say that being repenting and actually being sorry in my personal experience that is a fine thing to do. That is a very good choice compared with thinking that you're a genius, thinking that you can't possibly get it wrong and you're like you're made out of, like bulletproof glass, as you are strolling, you know, off a cliff and not recognizing your own folly or your own mistakes. And that also goes together, this sort of fear of God being related to humility. It also says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. So you can see how the two things actually relate to each other, how the two things actually relate to each other.
Speaker 1:And, as Michael was saying about being separated from God, it says the proud he knoweth from afar off. Now, on the other hand, it says be afflicted and mourn, let your life to be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the eyes of the Lord and he will exalt you in due time. So it actually tells you to humble yourself in God's eyes. And I think the fear of God, it's something that people seem very confused. It's sort of like a silly fear or a doubt, you know. But actually fear in God is something excellent. It's something that you should do towards God, you know. That's you not being stupid, that's you sort of having a brain and looking up before you go off the cliff and insult him.
Speaker 2:It should be our default stance.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know like it's coming from a place of humility. And look, dan, I think this is a perfect you know like lead into our next segment Humility as a response to pride. Now, the only real way that we can overcome pride is with humility. And you know like that's a lot easier said than done, dan, you know, because we can tell the listeners right now, it's like just be humble, but in a practical sense, do you? How do you become humble? You know, like it's, it's, it's, what do you think then? I, I have an idea, but, but I want to hear from you first okay.
Speaker 1:Well, my own experience is absolutely miserable.
Speaker 1:I've made, I've made so many mistakes, but now you know what not to do, right, yeah, well look, this thing I'm telling you about thinking I was smarter than people, mate, that was just one, one part of my, my vast, you know, repertoire of being proud to this day. It's something that I'm always wary of, which I've learned to be over the years. It's a constant sort of thing. I'm the sort of person who can just be ridiculously confident. You know, if, you know, on a good day I could just walk out and I'm just think that's it like. For example, I went to the boxing gym and, okay, fair enough, I was athletic, but I just thought, very easily I could be world champ. Now, um, that sort of attitude, you know like you get knocked out the other side of it.
Speaker 1:Well, just for the sake of the story, I ended up sparring with the super heavyweight champion of new south wales on my first night and he was kind to me, he was a good guy but, honestly, had he wanted to, he would have knocked my teeth through the back of my head, you know.
Speaker 1:And that sort of attitude that I've had is one where I've really just learned the hard way that's what I'm trying to say with a lot of these things and there's just been many times, and even to this day, where I've just learned to check myself and to just be very sorry and acknowledge God, you know, and actually repent and realize my mistakes, which is something that people they don't like to do. I think modern society you've got this sort of philosophy where you don't, you don't want to say there's anything wrong with you. That's like, um, we're in in hong kong doing this podcast. That's like a loss of face, you know, but really it's the other way around. You need to realize how stupid you are, but like that's a much sort of more intelligent and less painful way. So yeah, of course.
Speaker 2:Look, dan, you know like my view on it is practice makes perfect. And now you might ask how does one practice humility?
Speaker 1:I thought you were going to say practicing pride and I was like, yeah, you know.
Speaker 2:No, but you know what it is, dan. It's your response to situations where glory is given out and where you direct it. And what I mean by that is, you know, like it's actually two faceted, like I'm going to explain. You know, like your first of all, your response to when you did something good and people are clapping hands and like, oh yeah, you did a fantastic job. You know say, for example, you get given opportunity to preach and you preach and it was good and people's lives were touched.
Speaker 2:Who do you give glory to? Not your own communication skills or whatever. It is 100 the glory needs to go to god. But like that, that's my example. You know, like in everything else in life, even if you do well, in anything that that you've been blessed with like a gift or whatever, you know, like all of that glory should be directed to god. And I've heard people that always do this and if I look at their lives, I could see they live a live a life in humility and they get blessed even more because of that. And then the second part of this is sometimes how you respond just to things thrown your way, dan, for example, you know, like we are all in this world and you know like we will come across conflict situations with our brothers and sisters. And did you know you can also practice humility. And that does not mean to just turn over and be like a dog on the floor and showing your tummy, exposing it. You know like, so that someone can you know, have you ever seen a dog man?
Speaker 1:Like when you're angry at a dog. Dogs do it too.
Speaker 2:They bare their throat, yeah, but that's the thing like. It's like a form of submission, you know like, and I know submissiveness and humbleness it's sort of different, but in my eyes it's also the same. You know like, if you're ever in a conflict situation with somebody, even though you might have the perfect comeback, even though you might have something to say to hurt that person, you know like, because they hurt you a little bit, choosing not to do that is practicing humility in a practical sense. And I've seen this, you know like, in practice. It's not an easy thing to do.
Speaker 2:Even when my wife and I have a disagreement, even though I know I'm 100% right, the way I act the next few moments will determine if I have humility in my life or not, or if I'm really% right. The way I act the next few moments will determine if I have humility in my life or not, or if I'm really getting better. You know like, sometimes me and my wife will have a disagreement. And look, my wife. I've been so blessed, dan. You know my wife is the perfect example of a biblical Christian woman. You know like she's very humble, very submissive. You know like she will pretty much just do anything I tell her to.
Speaker 1:I've got a different wife, so I'll talk about her later.
Speaker 2:But but, but. But what I mean is dan like so say, say, we have a disagreement on over something. You know. The intention of you talking to someone that you love is never to hurt them, even though you know the answer. The way you communicate, the next few steps will will determine, like I said, will determine your level of humility, where I can be like okay, look, when I'm speaking to my wife, I say, darling, I don't agree with you on this, but I respect your point of view. That is also showing humility. That is also showing humility because I'm staying my hand. I'm choosing to take the high road. I'm choosing not, I'm not choosing conflict, I'm choosing peace over that high road. I'm choosing, not, I'm not choosing conflict, I'm choosing peace over that. And it's something that you have to do from a humble point of view. You cannot be doing that if you feel like you're towering over people and that you're superior.
Speaker 1:I've been married way longer than Michael.
Speaker 2:Maybe it's still the same.
Speaker 1:I've traveled far like the path of conflict. He's gone like two kilometers. I've gone 10 000 right.
Speaker 2:I'm in, like you know, morocco or something yeah, but look then of course, man like maybe it's still easy, like we've only been married for like what?
Speaker 1:close. I don't know what sort of weapons that yuki actually uses, compared to my wife, like I don't know if she has like laser beams, or you know but look then the point I'm trying to make.
Speaker 2:It's not even with our wives, it's conflict in anybody. It's. It's always choose the high road and practice makes perfect. It's going to be difficult the first few times, and you know, I heard the same thing growing up and and it was so beautiful christians are meek but not weak can I just put in.
Speaker 1:There's the verse that only by pride cometh contention. So you'll notice that every step of the way I'm able to actually Quote the verse accurately which relates to Michael's situation, If you're out there, the Bible speaks about it.
Speaker 2:The Bible speaks about it. That's the thing. I have another two Bible scriptures here for us Dan Philippians 2, verse 3 to 4. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves. Put other people first. I know this sounds difficult, but put other people first. This, this sounds difficult, but put other people first. This is what christ wants us to do, my friends. 1 peter 5 is 5 to 6.
Speaker 2:Clothe yourself, all of you, with humility towards one another, for god opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. That rings true because it's the truth, my friends, and it's something I feel like we all should remember to, to incorporate in our lives. And look, my friends, it will never be a a perfect attempt. I would love to meet the guy that's 100 humble. Even if you look at these football stars that come from a very humble beginning, when they're being interviewed, you know like people talk about oh look where you are right now. You came from nothing to something. You know like those guys, sometimes it's very inspirational because they just talk about how they give glory to the Lord and you know like it's honestly, from someone looking at it as a third party. You know, like at something like that.
Speaker 1:It's beautiful to see, because they're giving glory where glory is due I would um in in terms of asking yourself well, who is humble? Um, the? The counterpoint is actually reality, because in reality, I mean, you're not, you're not that smart, you're not that beautiful, even you are you're going to end up as a pile of dust on the ground. That's guaranteed.
Speaker 2:Yes, that sounds a little bit cynical.
Speaker 1:No, that's not cynical that's called death, yeah, but.
Speaker 1:I mean Every last person listening you will end up dying, your corpse is going to rot and in the end it will be a pile of dust. So what I'm trying to explain is that in perceptive, in sorry, in perception of like eternity, where God is that that's different to your, like you know, I don't, I don't care if you you know Donald Trump or you know, like I don't know, who's supposed to be really great these days. I'm not paying attention, but you can understand the difference, you know, in how you actually perceive yourself. I'd say that if I was to sort of think what's really humble, I would look towards pleasing God and see if he approves of you, because that's a different kettle of fish, isn't it, compared to what we admire.
Speaker 2:Of course, and Dan, you know like sometimes just reading through the bible, like I, I like to reflect on the journeys of the people in the bible. You know like if I think about a character, like paul paul had it hard man.
Speaker 1:He was a whinger.
Speaker 2:Don't flog me again you know like, paul had it hard man like you know like, in but. But his significance, you know like, outlet like it, his legacy was cemented in eternity because of what he did for christ. You know like, building, building god's kingdom, trying to expand it every and every, every opportunity. And the thing is, paul had a hard on earth. He didn't have a smooth saving life, you know like, like this oak, if he wasn't out doing mission work, he was either being persecuted actively by you know, being punished, you know like, or he was in jail, you know like, and and remember the jails back then it was not like they didn't have health and safety regulations and australian jails mate.
Speaker 1:It's like a holiday camp these days but but that's the thing, you know.
Speaker 2:Like it, it was hardcore. This oak went through a lot and if he was not busy with that he was making tens, you know, to sustain, um, you know like the mission work that he needs to do and you know like, if you look at a guy like that, his whole life was devoted towards the purpose of serving Christ. And all of us should have that mindset that everything that we do, every small input that we give, is not for our own glory, it's not for our own advancement in this world, but it is to glorify God and to expand his kingdom.
Speaker 1:Now can I just put in a tactful point here, because Paul said that he was someone who God had counted faithful by the mercy of God and so basically every single thing that he actually had he attributed to God. He didn't say because I, paul, have been like a diligent tent maker that, like now, god has considered me faithful and and look and like.
Speaker 2:That's the thing. Our opinion should always be to direct glory towards god and look, and my journey so far on earth, you know like, some days are easier than others. You know like, and and we, like I said, we should just always be reminded of the purpose that we actually hear. I know this is sometimes difficult for a new christian to understand. You know like, if you've just given your heart to christ, it's. People sometimes view christ and god as something that's a part of their lives, but not the part of their lives. But it should always be the part of your life. It should be the thing that you have. You, you shape your whole existence towards because of the significant, of significance of what christ has done for us. Dan, you mentioned a little bit. You know like, in comparison to god, you know like, we are nothing. Our lives say it's 70, 80 years on earth. If we're lucky, if we're blessed, maybe 90 if technology can help us breathe. You know.
Speaker 1:I'm giving it to you straight. You know what I mean, because when you're looking at it in terms of wisdom, you're actually not as good as you think. You know, you are literally like a pile of dust, you know.
Speaker 2:You know like I heard a guy talk about it the other day. He said our lives, the 70, 80 years that's represented by our time on earth, it is but a matchstick on a piece of road that stretches a thousand kilometers.
Speaker 1:Actually, can I the size of a matchstick if I can refer to james, because there's a verse about pride which actually relates to this, and he says you know who? Who are you to boast and say we will go and sell and do this, and that he said you boast in your arrogance and he said it's not your. You know who are you to boast and say we will go and sell and do this, and that he said you boast in your arrogance and he said it's not your life. You know, just like a blade of grass withering in the sun, and depends which translation you read, but it's the exact thing that Michael's saying. So I just want to point out that we're actually on track. You know, we're not making it up, of course, of course.
Speaker 2:And look, look, my friends, you know like today we've spoken a little bit about pride and you know, like I, I want us all just to take a hard look at our own lives and, like I said, I myself I'm guilty of it. Each of every one of us are maybe. Maybe you've reached a point in your life where you don't have any more pride in your life congratulations.
Speaker 1:I can tell I've I've been watching him Got my counter. You know what's he doing.
Speaker 2:That's good, dan. I need that level of accountability. You know like, at the end of the day, we all have our own struggles and, like I said, it's very easy to fall into a mindset of I know more than the next guy because of my experiences of I that I've had in the church and the books that I've read, and you know the times I've read through the bible and things like that. But my friends, at the end of the day, you know like, if, if we adopt that mindset, it will only lead to our destruction.
Speaker 1:This is this is my heart hard experience. If you start from the position that you're actually an idiot, you'll probably be closer to the truth and more intelligent in the long run. You know, if, like I, always thought people I was smarter than them, it wasn't until I was 40 that I realised that my teachers, who were 40, and that was, like you know, 20 years ago when they were teaching me were actually much smarter. Because now I'm sort of I've become more serious or more conscientious and I actually realized oh, hang on like that, dopey, 17 year old, isn't a genius. And then the 25 year old guy who thought that he was smart, he's not a genius. And, on the other hand, when I look at the silly, disastrous things that I do, wouldn't it have been great if I could have actually, you know, just had half a clue how silly I was and avoided it? That's what I'm trying to say and look, dan.
Speaker 2:Like I said, I want us all just to search our hearts, you know like, and see if there's maybe a little bit of pride left and if there is.
Speaker 1:I know there is all you listeners out there. I know you're just trying to pretend and think that's not me, we've got you but, but.
Speaker 2:But that's the thing, dan, you know like. And then ask god to help you in your heart with it, because god's the only one that can help you solve this. And you know like, if without God like Dan said, you know like we amount to nothing, you know it's through his grace that we are given any significance whatsoever on this planet. You know so, my friends, that pretty much concludes what we wanted to say today.
Speaker 1:I've got a few things, because, you know, michael's been sort of going hard and fast, but there was one or two as he was talking which I didn't manage to interrupt him, because when Michael was talking about how you should actually have the habit to not sort of what's the word? Put yourself on the top, like that's something Jesus said when he talked about that there was a feast and he said when you go there, don't go and choose the best seat you know, like the one with the king's crown, they'll tell you to move. Yeah, and he said that who? So let's make sure I get it the right way around whoever exalts themselves will be humbled, and whoever humbles themselves will be exalted. I was just careful not to trick any of you there because you'd be going in the wrong direction.
Speaker 1:So I think, um, for myself, I, I think it's, yeah, I, I would actually be very wary. I'm not. You know, personally I'm not actually satisfied that I am humble, but I think, on the other hand, at least these days, I've gotten to the stage where maybe I'm sort of aware and I'm trying to go in that direction. This is not, I think, you know, particularly with psychology, you have the sort of the concept of self-esteem and that sort of thing. But the bible says I charge you that none of you consider yourselves more highly than you ought, but I charge all of you to consider yourselves with sober judgment, according as god has dealt to every man the measure of faith, or to clothe yourselves with humility, or to to actually fear god, you know, or not to be arrogant, like in the list of things that God hates.
Speaker 1:I think a proud look is one of them, along with like a lying tongue. So these are not the sort of like what we're telling you. If you sort of look at it, it actually works. You know that could be you, so yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh perfect, dan. Is there anything else you would like to add before we officially wrap up?
Speaker 1:for today. Hit them hard, make them suffer, that's what I would say.
Speaker 2:But look, my friends, that's all we wanted to say today. You know, like I said, pride can be something that completely destroys your relationship with God if you let it Always remain humble. You know like and think of Jesus to be something that completely destroys your relationship with God if you let it always remain humble.
Speaker 1:you know like and think of Jesus.
Speaker 2:Jesus humbled himself so much that he washed the feet of his disciples and my friends, those days, that was absolutely disgusting. They didn't have some nice technology, they had these, these, these terrible sandals that tore open. You know, these guys were always walking in the desert. You know like, and Jesus, the Son of God, god himself, you know like, humbled himself to a point where he washed his disciples' feet.
Speaker 1:Michael has understood this. How many feet have you actually washed? I mean any of you, and I'm not just talking about, like you know, at the beauty parlor.
Speaker 2:But look, dan, that's a thing and so, my friends, that's it for our podcast for today. Thank you so much for your, your kind loving and support. You know, like myself and dan, you know like we were going over the the downloads that our, our podcasts have gotten. We we have some hits all over the world and thank you so much for your support. We really appreciate it. We're not proud of that, we don't care, we're humble.
Speaker 1:Yeah, keep on subscribing.
Speaker 2:God is good On the low down and my friends, thank you so much. Goodbye and God bless.
Speaker 1:Yes, Thank you everyone for listening and yeah, I'm not going to crack any jokes this time. That'll keep you off balance. Thank you, Thank you.