The Truth, The Bible and Everything between

Episode 3 - Oppression vs Success: Can you find Jesus

Michael van den Berg & Daniel Peters Season 1 Episode 3

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What if the very things we strive for—fame, money, and power—are the same things that enslave us? In today's episode of "The Truth, the Bible, and Everything in Between," we unravel the complex relationship between oppression and success. We explore how societal structures and authority figures impose oppression, using Hollywood's tragic tales as cautionary examples. Drawing from James 4:4, we discuss the spiritual estrangement that occurs when we chase worldly desires, and highlight real-life stories of celebrities who paid the price for their pursuit of fame.

We also tackle the harrowing issue of drug use among young people, sharing personal experiences to underscore the difficulty of breaking free from these destructive cycles. Supported by Ephesians 6:12, we examine the spiritual warfare at play and the oppressive forces that trap individuals in harmful habits. Through transformative testimonies and the comforting words of Psalm 34:17-18, we emphasize the power of free will and faith in overcoming these negative influences.

In our final segments, we shift our focus to finding true success through faith and submission to God's will. We reflect on personal stories of transformation, the importance of spiritual strength, and the peace that comes from trusting God's plans, as illuminated by scriptures like Philippians 4:11 and Jeremiah 29:11. Whether you're grappling with addiction or seeking to understand the true meaning of success, this episode offers powerful insights and real-life examples to guide you on your spiritual journey. Join us to discover how true freedom and success lie in embracing God's grace.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Truth, the Bible and Everything in Between, with me, your host, michael and Daniel. Welcome everybody to yet another episode of the Truth, the Bible and Everything in Between. It's Michael here today with my co-host, daniel, daniel. There we go. So, guys, we have a very exciting episode today and, first of all, before we start, we just want to thank everybody for your wonderful support. We've received such nice feedback over the past two episodes that we actually released and, guys, this is really encouraging for us as well, just to hear how you know you guys receive it on your end.

Speaker 1:

At the end of the day, we always want to make sure that this podcast is publicly based and actually going to be practical in all of your lives. So, my friends, today we're going to discuss oppression versus success and how you can find Jesus. So what we're going to do, friends, we're going to split today into two parts. Part A, we're going to specifically go over the concept of oppression and part B, we're going to specifically talk about success. So let's get started. Part 1 oppression. Dan, just straight off the, how would you define the concept of?

Speaker 2:

oppression. Well, oppression, I would, in my experience, is very interesting because I think it can be under the surface in society. And I just like to make a rejoinder with this point on Mad Max. I may not have been 100% right, okay, and I mean they were eating cockroaches, they were drinking breast milk, all sorts of things, but I understand that's a movie, perhaps not the handbook for life, and I know it's a fantasy world. But to give you an idea of what I mean with below the surface, see, in Hollywood, if you were to take that as your, your example, which a lot of kids did, I did you know I was very silly that when I grew up, the pop stars I thought they were real. I thought that was the ultimate sort of lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

Now take Michael Jackson. I mean he died from an overdose of propofil administered by a doctor who was basically taking his money. He's in jail now. Britney Spears problems with alcohol drugs. She was rendered unfit to manage her estate. I could go on and on and on. I used to. I play heavy metal guitar. Um, you know, I like that exciting guitar. Out of the bands that I've listened to, almost all of them have had a member die which is related to drugs and alcohol. So this is the sort of thing when you're looking at your society and if you look at hollywood and you think, wow, look at those flashing lights, you can see there's something under the surface.

Speaker 1:

Of course, and that's the thing, for all of you don't know what the word oppression actually means. You know, like, if you just do a quick google search, it will reveal that oppression is actually the prolonged, cruel and unjust treatment or exercise of authority. Now, why is? Why is that important? You know, dan just quickly described that there's like a, like a oppression happening under the surface all over the world. All of us form or fall under some form of authority, whether it's in your daily life, whether it's in your work, whether it's in your spiritual life. Everything that you go through and that authority over you will have an effect on how you actually live your life. Now, you become oppressed when, when that whatever has authority over you becomes cruel or damaging or does something bad over your life, for example. You know, like um, if we think about the concept of oppression, you know, like I always think about it, that there are two different types of oppression. The first one, I would say, is worldly oppression, and we're also going to delve into that a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

But worldly oppression, I actually got this from the Bible. You know, dan, I found this good Bible scripture in James 4, verse 4, where it says you adulterous people. Do you not know that friendship of the world is enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you think about the world, dan, there's lots of things online that you can go and read, like concepts where people that eventually found Jesus, but they were once controlled by the lusts and the things they desire of this world. They call it what's it? Gold, glory and girls. You know, I think for a lot of people, your form of worldly oppression will fall into one of those three categories. You're either going to have a lust for money. You're either going to have a lust for power you know to exercise your own level of authority over other people or you're going to fall part of like a drive to lust. You know where you want like a partner, and this goes for women and for guys. You know what do you think of worldly desires as a form of oppression, dan?

Speaker 2:

Right. Well, I mean, the interesting thing is we haven't actually pre organized this. But you see, this is spot on for what I'm talking about with Hollywood, for example. Now I don't listen to it as much now because the lyrics aren't really nice, but when I was growing up there was a band called Pantera Really great guitar playing great drums. Listen you pantera fans. Don't be insulted by me, you know, if I say the lyrics are bad. But um, I mean what I'm saying is the band.

Speaker 2:

They got into drugs. The singer almost overdosed on heroin and they the bassist he's one of the only guys alive now. His liver is so bad from the drink that if he so much as sniffs whiskey he'll die. I mean, that's where he's ended up. The other two are just dead. And they they opened their own strip club and that was their dream as young guys, 20 years old, pleasures of the world, mate. They just went bang, you know, straight to the top, and at the same time, the actual effect that it had on their lives was miserable. And this singer this is actually good. If you are a Pantera fan, go and watch some of the speeches that the singer now gives to children to warn them not to take drugs because he got into such a terrible state with heroin. He almost lost his life and he's very regretful and much wiser now. And that's exactly what Michael is sort of outlining with how it works and what gets into people and how they end up. You know the actual price you pay for these sort of pleasures.

Speaker 1:

The thing is, dan, the way I look at it, you will always have a master and you can make that decision. You can either let the world be your master, let God be your master, or you can even choose to make the devil your master if you're so foolishly inclined. But at the end of the day just to share something a little bit personal that happened in my own life A few years ago, me and Dan, we both live in Hong Kong and Hong Kong is a very materialistically driven society. I wouldn't say it's all about money and just about keeping faith, wouldn't say it's all about money and and just about keeping faith. But if you meet people in Hong Kong, you will see that it's definitely something that has a high level of importance in society here in Hong Kong.

Speaker 1:

And when I just moved to Hong Kong, that became my world. You know like I started earning good money. You know I also started advancing a little bit of my career and I got so obsessed with with money man. You know like I remember every single night between 12 o'clock and two o'clock I could not sleep because I had some side hustle. I was planning something I wanted to do to get more money he hasn't.

Speaker 2:

He hasn't actually given me any of this money, just so the listeners know, I didn't, you know, I don't know where it's hidden but I'm gonna get to the point.

Speaker 1:

Then you're gonna see, man, you know, like, during that time, you know, my life was completely controlled by the concept of money, because I felt I would never be able to have enough, and as a young guy in the working force, all I wanted to do is earn more. And look, my friends, don't misunderstand me. The concept of money in itself is not bad. It shouldn't be something. You shouldn't live in poverty if you're christian. No, but the thing is, there is a a thing that you should be wary of. Do not let it become your master.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do not let money oppress you, because when I was going through that whole thing, you know, dan, there was points in my life where I could literally I could not sleep because I have to check my cryptocurrency, and I loved crypto trading and it's so dodgy. You know like since then, I've withdrawn all my assets. My wife made me to as well. You know, it's really a bit dodgy, you know, but but the thing is, I could not sleep because I had this desire in me to just earn more and get more out of life. But then I started to realize why am I spending my entire life trying to decorate my tent right when I die, then that I cannot take anything I've accumulated on earth. That's not spiritual, that's not for God's kingdom with me, it's pointless, there's physically no point to it. And look, it's still important to to have enough resource. You know, god has given us the wisdom to go out and and earn money and to be able to do things you know. But at the end of the day, if you allow that to control you, you are being oppressed by, by, by something terrible, and your life will forever be in that, that cycle. You know, I don't know if maybe you have also have a story or two to share, dan, about worldly oppression specifically well, I, I think that's that's spot on.

Speaker 2:

And it says people become slaves to whatever has mastered them. That's one verse, and it talks about the pleasures of the flesh and the pleasures of the world and how people are actually captured by these. They become slaves to their lusts and their passions. Now, on the other hand, there is when it talks about spiritual strongholds, taking every thought captive into the knowledge of Christ. That that's when you're, or when you have self-control, or when you have the fruits of the spirit. That's when you're actually doing the opposite. You know, and um, so, for my own vast, you know, stories of oppression.

Speaker 2:

I think I can remember when I was very young, when I was about, say, 12 years old, I was in a really, really good spot and I'd done everything that my mum wanted and I was very peaceful. And I think back then that was probably the most free and happy, that I was very peaceful and, um, I think back then that was probably the most free and happy that I was, and a lot of it just involved, as you were saying, like submitting to authority, you know, and I was really doing the right things. I was a lovely kid, anyway, didn't last long school in Australia, rap, music, marijuana, and not so many girls, because I mean, I guess there's probably, you know, just the general girls but and drink. So to give you an idea, at the age of, I think, 16 or 17, I was hospitalized. I drank a whole bottle of vodka. At a party. I saw a guy next to me drink half a bottle of whiskey and I said no, mate, you know, I'll show you how it's done Ended up in hospital, almost died, okay, and um, you know, for for a brief period I sort of I felt sorry, but it wouldn't last. I had all my friends and we smoked marijuana.

Speaker 2:

Now I just ask myself now, because I've had ample opportunity to regret this, years of just serious, you know jobs where I just had to work hard and, you know, become sober and disciplined, and you know, very like years and years of regret for this behavior. But at the time I just question why do these young boys and this is a worldwide problem, so to give you a perspective, as I said, under the surface all over the world why do these young kids need to just ruin their bodies and and do something disgusting and and take these drugs? You, which is really glorifying Satan, like what is it that would compel you to, you know, have this poison inside of you and somehow get pleasure from it? That's, you know. I'm giving you the two sort of separate sides, you know, just so you can look at it and see what you think Of course no.

Speaker 1:

But look, dan, at the end of the day, you know like, I think the enemy specifically has a vested interest in young people, Because he also knows, you know like, if you can get people that are young that fall into a trap of oppression, they're going to grow up becoming slaves to their habits, becoming slaves to the things that actually hold them back, the things that they grew up with. You know like, for example, alcoholism. A lot of people are alcoholics today. It did not start at the age of 30 or 40 just because they felt a little bit depressed after work.

Speaker 1:

No, man, this always starts when they're kids, man, when people that have problems. All of these things start when they're children. And why is that? It's because you know, like I said, you're going to fall under a master and every single person on this planet will have to answer to their master. And you can choose who your master is going to be. You can choose the Lord, you can choose Jesus. We'll talk a little bit more about that. In success, you know, or you can choose the world or the devil which is even worse.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm being really plain, because my mates a little team of us who smoked pot. One of them, he's still nuts. He hasn't worked for 20 years. He turned into a vegetable. He took 30 pills in one month and he pulled a knife out when his dad wouldn't give him a cigarette his dad doesn't even smoke okay, this, I'm talking about a lovely guy. He was a soccer champion. You know he was. He had his whole life ahead of him and that's you know why. Why does he need to take drugs? I mean?

Speaker 1:

and that's the thing, the oppression of all of these things. It's so strong, man, and everybody has a different thing that control them. You know like, for some people it's money. Everything that they want on earth will be controlled by that. For other people it's lust, like I know some guys that cannot go a day without watching pornography, cannot go a day without looking for some woman you know to sleep with, and and you know like it can control you so much and the thing is to break free from that. Then it's sometimes difficult, very, very hard.

Speaker 1:

That's the thing, you know like, sometimes, especially when people have a prolonged issue. You know like, especially with drugs. You know drugs, I know it's gonna be so heavy for some people, man, and that's why they have rehabs. You know like, sometimes I recently learned this fact you know like it takes 21 days to form a habit. Right, it takes 21 days of consistent practice to do something. You have to do something consistently for 21 days for it to become a habit.

Speaker 1:

To break a habit takes three times as long, three times. That's why you'll see a lot of programs and rehabs and things. It's not just 30 days, it's normally minimum at least 90 days. You know like and I'm not saying after 90 days it's going to be perfect, but it's the reason why they want to spend 90 days with an individual. You know like it's to help them break those habits. And that's the thing. Sometimes to break free from oppression is really difficult. So my answer would always be if you're seeing you're starting to be oppressed by something, just run the other direction before you fall into that trap.

Speaker 2:

Man, that is spot on. That is just look. If I could go back in time, I would catch myself and I would give myself a flogging. And I would never touch drugs, and the thing is I hate that stuff now, but I've seen the results.

Speaker 2:

And on the other hand, there are guys who never wise up and they're never smarter. Now, if you're talking about freedom, that's what you have when you're in the spirit. It says where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, and that's the difference between being in your flesh and being subject to desires which you can't control. That master you. It's a really, really hard thing, especially for people who don't know the truth. Often they can be in these sort of lifestyles and they're like a victim and they're. They're wondering why they're so miserable or why things are going bad for them. Everyone around them is doing the same thing, you know of course.

Speaker 1:

And look, dan, that brings us to our next point. We we talked about worldly forms of oppression, now demonic oppression. I'm gonna bring up ephesians 6, verse 12. Here is a very profound piece of scripture, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places. You know, like, dan, I've heard a lot of people talk about this specific piece in bible. And look, I also know christians that are super sensitive towards this type of thing. You know, like, they will look for a demon under every rock. And the thing is, if you're going, to do that.

Speaker 2:

That's the problem special rock demons.

Speaker 1:

That's the whole problem, dan. You know, if you're going to look for a demon behind every rock, rock and roll mate, there's a lot of them there. But you know like, if you're going to look for a demon under every rock, you'll probably find two. You know, because the truth is there's a lot of things happening in daily life that we don't always. Even if you're very close to the lord and you have the spirit of discernment and you're able to detect these things more than the average guy, you know like it might be very difficult to always see what's happening behind the scenes, but we know, as christians, that there's always a constant battle happening, even with small things. Dan, like watching things on tv, you know like, the lord convicted me, man, I, I recently, yes, man, and it's quite heavy man like there's this thing on amazon called the boys. You know like, and I like superheroes. I sometimes like like edgy shows and things. But yes, man, that's rough.

Speaker 2:

Hey, there's like a lot of like.

Speaker 1:

I've never watched it, mate, but max yeah but but, like dan, this is even on a different level, man, it's like full-on nudity and it's and it's, and it's terrible, man, and I remember the other day it was like a new season came out. I was so excited, I was like started watching it. Yes, man, the lord convicted me. Man, the lord convicted me. It's like, hey, mike, you know like, yes, you're reading the bible, you're praying, but you think it's okay if you, if you watch this and and and.

Speaker 1:

The thing is, I also realized, man, there is a spirit behind every single thing, man, everything that you consume, there's a spirit behind it and we need to, as christians, also be sensitive. I'm not saying go, lock yourself in a room and and don't touch anything in this world. Understand, it's sometimes good to also keep an open mind about, I wouldn't say, go and explore. You know the things of this world, but you know like sometimes there might be books that you read that are perfectly okay. You know like, where it's not, it's not like damaging to your, to your faith, you know. But the thing is, we, as christians, at least we need to practice some form of sensitivity towards the spiritual not only that, um, what michael is doing is being alert.

Speaker 2:

And when it comes to spirits and spiritual warfare, I always follow the bible, and you know, because there's I've watched a lot of sermons and I've heard plenty of wacky things, but the bible is quite plain. It says be sober, be, you know. It says that, um, we should walk in the spirit. It says we should put on the armor of God. There's a few sort of very like plain verses which it tells you to do. With regard to that, now, what Michael's doing is being alert, and, on the other hand, there are many people who are not alert and they can get in up to their neck, and that's what we're talking about when it's hard to get back out.

Speaker 1:

And the thing is, dan, that will always be prominent in all of our lives, no matter where you are in your walk with the Lord. Because, friends, we need to all remember that the moment we decide to walk a road of Christ, the enemy does not like that. You know. The enemy is going to do whatever he can in his power to keep you in a place where you don't do things for God. He's going to do whatever he can in his power to keep you in the world place where you're in the world, where you're not really a threat to his dominion over the world. Because at the end of the day, my friends, you know there is a constant battle the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of God.

Speaker 2:

And we need to choose. I can quote the verse, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, against authorities, against spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places. And so just to put it in its right place.

Speaker 1:

you know, and that's the thing at the end of the day, we need to choose whose kingdom you belong to, my friends. Do you belong to the kingdom of this world, whose masters are the devil, whose masters are worldly desires and things of the flesh, or will you be part of God's kingdom, where we listen to Jesus, where we listen to God, where we use the Bible as our guide every single day? And I know sometimes it might be a little bit difficult to do the latter? I understand sometimes you might feel a little bit limited, in a sense, if you have to do things the Christian way. But let me tell you, my friends, your spirit at the end of the day will be saved, your soul, my friends, you will have peace in your life that you cannot find in the world. I'd like to weigh in on this point.

Speaker 2:

Because the thing is what we're talking about. What I've learned is self-preservation. You know, I promise you you would not want to get to where I got smoking pot. It started off fun, it was a good joke and, as I was saying, I know quite several people who are insane. Now they're vegetables. We went from being lovely, like pure kids to almost criminals. You know another two mates. They stole a car, crashed it into a fence and I mean like a brick fence into the front of the house.

Speaker 2:

I don't mean like a little, you know small fence, yeah, and the. The thing is like what? What you have there is the edge of destruction and then the final step is hell. It says the thief cometh not but to rob, kill, steal and destroy. I came that they might have life and that they might have more abundantly. And that is when you're talking about spiritual oppression. That's the goal of satan. He's not there. Like he's not. You know, just, it's not a joke and he will get you. Like it's actually slight subtle. Nobody, none. Of us kids were sitting there and we thought, oh, you know, like that's the devil trying to tempt me. You know, I better avoid that. We found out the hard way. You'll find out when, when you're close to death, when you're miserable, that's when you'll actually appreciate some safety or some love or or some sanity. You know, these are sort of that's where you'll end up.

Speaker 1:

And, and my friends, that's the thing. At the end of the day, we need to remain alert. You know like we need to be aware of these dangers, especially when you're in contact with young people. You know like I hear so many stories of kids in schools. You know like that play that, what's that? That mirror, mirror game. You know where they try.

Speaker 2:

I'm too old. I can tell you the old days. But play that. What's that? That mirror, mirror game?

Speaker 1:

you know where they where they where they try but you know what I mean with where they try to commune with with or with with spiritual beings, because out of curiosity. So just think about it. The origin there is this they just wanted to find out more. But what are they doing? They're opening up a door for the enemy. And my friends, at the end of the day, if you're a christian, if you're in contact with young people, you can teach them right. You can teach them to follow the right path. As a child, you know, like I, I'm in contact with a lot of people that grow up in the church and I can assure you they know about these dangers because their mom, their parents, have told them so many times already. Hey, this is the way you should live, this, this is what you should look out for. And look, my friends. At the end of the day, it's also something that we should always. We should never let our guard down, because it can come in the most subtle of ways.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it can come as a friend or as a girlfriend, you know, like you might just I can just say that in my class, once I started to take marijuana, I needed to buy it and, being popular and quite sort of convincing, I then persuaded another 10 people to start taking it so I could sell it to them to pay for mine. And, um, what this is like, we've only, we're focusing on one thing, but there's, there's many, many other things.

Speaker 2:

And if you look at drugs in society as a problem, like just don't even kid yourself, you know if if you think that's fine and you know we're sort of trying to make it look that way you know.

Speaker 1:

but that's the thing that it all has a starting point and people think oppression is this clear thing where the devil controls somebody. No, man, sometimes it starts with something innocent. It I wouldn't say innocent, but sometimes it starts with someone who wants to smoke a little pot out of curiosity and it becomes a habit and it snowballs and it becomes harder things and all of a sudden this guy is completely open to the influence of otherworldly things.

Speaker 2:

It's an absolute bullseye. And I'm telling you, we started off, we rolled up bits of paper and we called them endos, because we were listening to this like rap music, you know and they had endos and we went from that to literally like almost in jail, took about maybe four years.

Speaker 1:

And that's the thing, man. It comes from the desire of wanting to be cool in high school, which is like I mean what? Most kids go through man you know.

Speaker 1:

But but look, dan, at the end of the day, you know like what's, what's amazing about this is god's also given us free will and even though there are things battling for our attention and for our choices, you know like we can also come to a point where we're like, hey, you know like I don't want to be oppressed any longer. You know, I don't want to fall under the influence of the enemy or this world. I want to fall under the influence of God, I want to fall under the influence of Jesus. I have a Bible scripture I would like to share Psalm 34, verse 17 to 18. When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. You know, dan, at the end of the day, a lot of times and I see this every single day it takes people a terrible thing that happens to them for them to find the lord can I just point out that's how I became a christian.

Speaker 2:

There we go. My point's exactly that's literally what happened to me.

Speaker 1:

My point's exactly, man, you know, because a lot of people they go through lives, their lives, and they just think about God as an option, a thing that you have to do because their parents forced them that they actually had to go to church, as a kid.

Speaker 2:

He's reading like my life story, because when I was 12, I was a Christian, as I said, and I thought that's what everyone's doing and it's not real. And I said if there's God, he's never shaken my hand. Now what happened? By the time I was 18 and I'd been getting into all this trouble which ruined me, and I had people praying for me and it was funny because there was a guy who came who had experienced taking drugs, he'd become a Christian and he prophesied over me and he put his arms around me because I said I don't believe in Jesus, you know. And he said oh, your name means rock and it means warrior. He said I mean warrior with an A, not with an O, like warrior. And um, yeah, he said I mean warrior with an A, not with an O, like warrior and warrior yeah he said if you ever become a Christian, here's my email address.

Speaker 2:

And I was. I thought, whatever, you know, anyway I'd been smoking pot and finally I got to the stage where I felt really, really, really bad. I mean really bad, you know, and nothing made me feel better. And you know, if you've ever, some of you may have experienced paranoia or these sorts of things that'll happen if you take drugs but I felt this feeling that it was peace and it was Jesus and I knew it. Now I didn't believe in Jesus at all. Nobody told me about it and that that was why I became a Christian and I went upstairs. I ran upstairs to my mom and I said I believe in Jesus. You know, pray for me Now. It hasn't, it hasn't been perfect since then, but I promise you, like this verse that you're quoting any person listening if you're in a bad state, pray to Jesus. It will work Like ask Him. Don't just have it and do nothing.

Speaker 1:

And that's the thing At the end of the day. Do not wait for your life to fall apart before you turn to the Lord. My friends, you know, one of the things living here in Hong Kong is you get it. You come in contact with a lot of expats, people from all over the world coming here for work in whatever industry. But the thing is, most of the people that come here, they come here like, if they're a little bit older, it's like either some hectic midlife crisis, they had a divorce, they really struggled in their home countries for a while. Then they come to work here. You know, like all of these people, they go through hectic things and some of the people that come here they end up fighting the Lord, like I mean, in a place like Hong Kong. Can you believe it? But you know, like just to see that happen. And so many people I know in my own life, dan, where something terrible had to happen to them before they met Jesus. Save yourself the trouble. I was thinking. Where are we going Save?

Speaker 1:

yourself the trouble. You don't have to lose a loved one before you know Jesus. You don't have to have a terrible disease or something hectic happening to you. My friends, you can already meet Jesus today and look at the end of the day. You're going to have to have a terrible disease or something hectic happening to you. My friends, you can already meet Jesus today and look at the end of the day. You know like you're gonna have to make a decision, who you fall under and who you submit to. And it doesn't matter who you are. You can be the CEO of a multinational bank, you can be a street cleaner. You're gonna have a master that you're gonna answer to, and and you choose who you answer to, my friends, it's either going to be Jesus, the world or the devil. But you have to make that choice. That is 100% up to you.

Speaker 1:

And then I have one more bible scripture I want to share Isaiah 61, verse 1. The spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. You know the reason why I think this bible scripture is so relevant to what we're talking about is because you physically become bound if you are oppressed by anything in the world, by by anything from the enemy. The only thing that can set you free is Jesus.

Speaker 2:

And this is as plain as day, like if you're addicted to drugs, if you're addicted to pornography, you could be addicted to rage, or you know, whatever it is that binds you. You're a slave. It's as simple as that. So don't fool yourself, you know. Don't think that you're actually getting something and it's fine. I mean another example from Hollywood Charlie Sheen. And look, I love him, he's a great guy. But look what happened, you know.

Speaker 1:

And you know like sometimes, my friends, we, we should also learn from the faults of other people. You know like it's very important for us and that's why I think the bible is such an amazing resource. If you even look like, look at someone like david. Man like david we spoke a little bit about him last time then, when we spoke about the biblical view of a man. You know like david is a flawed character man like this guy. He went through a lot of things. Man. You know like David is a flawed character man Like this guy. He went through a lot of things. Man, but he also paid the price. Man, whenever, when he committed adultery with Bathsheba, lots of bad stuff happened to him afterwards. Man.

Speaker 2:

This is where it says, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. And it also says be not deceived. God is not mocked for whatsoever. A man soweth, that will he also reap For he that soweth to his flesh shall of his flesh reap corruption. But he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

Speaker 2:

Now you may you know, look when we're talking about the world. You may not believe in the Spirit, you may not believe in Jesus. So then have a look about the world. You may not believe in the spirit, you may not believe in jesus, so then have a look how the world works and see the sort of corruption that we're talking about you know just connect the dots and look, dan, you know like I actually had a quite a deep discussion last night with my wife about this very thing.

Speaker 1:

You know like sometimes submitting to the authority of of god. You know like it changes from oppression to to I don't know what other words to use but like it's almost like a form of relief. But sometimes it still comes with a set of responsibilities. Remember, whoever you choose to to submit to and whoever you choose to make your master, you will have to follow, okay, what that master tells you to do. If you're being oppressed by things in the world, you're going to be subject to your desires, everything that's in your heart, you're going to be a slave to that. Every morning you're going to wake up. That thing is going to drive you and you're always going to have emptiness in your heart.

Speaker 1:

If you feel, if you, if you want to be oppressed by the enemy and you fall under things that are a little bit even more heavy than the things of the world, you know like you're going to be a slave to what the devil wants to do with your life. But also, if you choose to submit under God, there are certain things that you also need to be aware of you need to. I wouldn't say allow the Lord to correct you, but you need to be open enough to receive correction from the lord, and the lord does that in different ways sometimes. It's a little bit also hard for christians to bear, but I can tell you now. I'll rather be like what? What's that bible scripture? Then you're like you're gonna quote it for us. Now, if my right hand makes me sin, what should?

Speaker 2:

I do. Yeah, if your right hand offends, you cut it off there we go.

Speaker 1:

I would rather go into the kingdom of heaven without a right hand than go to hell with both my hands intact, and at the end of the day, it's sometimes something that's quite difficult to bear, but it's 100% worth it, man.

Speaker 2:

We're getting skirting on the borders of wisdom now when Michael talks about know better beforehand. I've learned everything the hard way, but I know better.

Speaker 2:

If I could go back in time, mate. I wouldn't touch any drugs. I would be respectful, I would be diligent, I would tell my friends keep your heads down, and the whole lot of us. We could have had a period of maybe 20 years. That would have been happy and lovely by comparison. That's wisdom. That's actually knowing better and that says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Being humble and actually fearing God and recognizing that he's God, that goes together with intelligence and knowing what you do, which is sort of the opposite of the chaotic sort of themes that we've been talking about that bring people down and undermine their life.

Speaker 1:

And you know what, my friends, today, if you've been oppressed, this is not the end of your story. This should not be the end. If you've been oppressed your entire life, the day you make a decision to follow the Lord, you know what God can use your oppression. Man, Do you know that God can use your oppression? The things that you had to go through? Dan, you shared a little bit about the stuff you had to go through, man, and I know it's been tough man Like it's.

Speaker 2:

You know, having gone through it, I know sometimes you might look back and be like oh, I wish it gives you like an invincible sympathy card, just pull it out. Oh, just pull it out. Oh, mate, you know I had a hard time Punch my sympathy card Carry on.

Speaker 1:

But, dan, that's the thing. At the end of the day, you know, if I'm going to as Michael, you know, going to speak to someone that's slave to say drugs and some bad things in their life, they're going to think, yes, who is this oak? You know, like this oak, he's probably never done drugs in his life, he's never done this in his life. How does he know how I'm feeling? He might not be as open to listening to me as he might be to someone that's gone through that. So, my friends, that's the thing If you've been oppressed, god can use the things that you've been through to touch other people's lives.

Speaker 2:

There's one other type of. There's many types of oppression, but one that we haven't skirted on is people oppressing other people, which can also come from them having twisted desires or motives. And you know, if I used I mean there's bosses who oppress their workers, there's spouses who oppress their spouses, there's bullies at school, you could go on and on and on. That's another one. Um, yeah, sorry, I just thought you know there are just many, many types of oppression. So if you're listening, then you may sort of recognize this.

Speaker 1:

We're not saying everything but look at the end of the day, dan. That's a thing. It doesn't need to be the end. If you've been oppressed, it's fine. This thing happened to you.

Speaker 2:

There's no nothing you can do about it now no, intelligence is yeah like I'm telling you anyone who listens to this and goes out and thinks right, I'm gonna take some drugs, yeah, you've been warned, okay, yeah that's the thing, and, my friends, at the end of the day, again, it comes down to your decision who you're gonna follow.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so then I think we can almost conclude part one. I don't know if there's anything you want to say, like a lasting thought or two, before we move over to the concept of success. Um, I think.

Speaker 2:

I think that's good, but other than that, I would just once again point out that, know, the devil, I think, is really operating a lot of this stuff, you know, yeah yeah, and that's the thing.

Speaker 1:

We should always be on the lookout for that and ask god for wisdom on how to deal with those specific things, because I know it can sometimes be uncomfortable if you see maybe you have a friend or someone very close to you that's going through or that's being oppressed by a certain thing. You need to ask God's wisdom how to deal with that.

Speaker 2:

That's what we're talking about. This is really the whole point. Is for you people listening, because this is real. It could be where you live.

Speaker 1:

That's the thing. It can be where you live. It can be what that person person can actually be someone else in their life and you know, when something like that is happening, you know like I, I've had friends, man, where they've had other influence in their lives, changing the way that they behave. Now the thing is you need to ask wisdom from god before speaking into that person's life. You cannot just be like, hey, man, I think your other body is being really bad. You know, like it, it, it and what. What my friend is probably going to do is like yes, mike is always, you know, like acting, to be like he's always acting.

Speaker 2:

So holy and it's like he's judging people, yeah he's judging people.

Speaker 1:

That that sometimes do you know?

Speaker 2:

do you know how many young guys I've talked to and said don't take drugs don't touch it and and they just turn around, they block their ears. They think, oh, you know, like this guy doesn't know anything, go out and take the drugs and what does it do to them?

Speaker 1:

Changes their lives for the bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I'm not trying to judge you, I'm not trying to be holy. I mean, yes, it would be good if you yourself had judgment and were holy that's. You know probably better. I'm telling you something that will save your life, so think about it.

Speaker 1:

That's the thing. Love people, man, love people. Love people that are being oppressed and try to help them in a godly way by asking God for wisdom.

Speaker 2:

I always say flog some sense into them. There we go. That's also a way.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right, I'm just joking, you know. There we go. Those of you who reached for your whips put them back down.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, that officially concludes the end of part one. We're going to go into part two of the very short break. So, guys, we're officially starting part two of our podcast. We're going to talk about the concept of success. Dan, tell me how do you think you can achieve success?

Speaker 2:

in your life, right? That's a very, very easy question. Now, in part one I talked about some of the mistakes that I've made, which I'm I'm not proud of. Know you get passionate talking about it and I don't want to give that impression that it's actually exciting Now.

Speaker 2:

I've had years and years to consider, in light of you know, the sort of failures and mistakes I've made, what success is, and that's, pleasing God, simple as that. If I was to contrast what we said about oppression, I would say that success is safety, it says. There's a verse which says for only with you is there safety. That's, you know, referring to God and Jesus. I would say that, pleasing God, fearing him and going to heaven, that that for me, is success. Being close to god, I mean inseparable, as opposed to some of the terrible places that I ended up, which are I'm I'm not exaggerating terrifying, and I don't know who's listening and I don't know you know how well you've done yourself, but I can tell you that at the very edge where you fall off and die, that's, that's where I sort of stand about this.

Speaker 1:

And the thing is, success, man, is only really one way to achieve that in your life. You know, like I have this really good Bible scripture and I think you really hit the nail on the head, dan. There you know. Philippians 4, verse 11, says not now. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned, in whatever situation I am content, I know how to be brought low and I know how to abound in any and every circumstance. I have learned the secret of the day, dan. You know that the only way to really achieve success in your life and also, like you said, in the context of oppression, the only way to really overcome oppression and achieve success in your life is to do it through Jesus. If we remember to make Jesus the focus of our lives, every single thing will change.

Speaker 2:

This is actually the success side is much more straightforward than the oppression side. The oppression is very sort of twisty, you know. But where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. That's, you know, with regard to freedom, and whom the sun sets free, he is free. Indeed, whosoever calleth on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, shall be saved. Literally everything in the Bible, if you, if you have like any sense at all, it's directed towards this. And when I think of the next, also contributing to what success is, I would say peace, and that comes spiritually.

Speaker 1:

I remember there was also another Bible scripture. I'll have to find the actual place in the Bible to put that in.

Speaker 2:

I don't know any of the places in the bible but, but it's definitely there I learned when I learned bible verses. This is something I wanted to mention in the first one. The way I learned to quote the bible was because of the problems that I had and I learned to quote scriptures and apply the sword of the spirit and the word of God.

Speaker 2:

Yes and um. So that's, that's something which you know. If you are oppressed, since we're now in the success which I would tell every single person to do. You know, if you are if you are struggling with spiritual oppression or any sort of oppression, find the verses in the Bible, quote them and build yourself up spiritually Exactly find the verses in the bible, quote them and build yourself up spiritually, exactly so.

Speaker 1:

The scripture I want to quote is my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. You know, my friends, at the end of the day, we need to also understand that that we are but human. You know like, and and if we are going to rely in what we have in our hearts and what we have as part of our being, we will undoubtedly fall, because if we don't put our trust in the Lord, my friends, nothing will be able to happen, we will stay oppressed, we will not achieve success.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you chose it specifically, but Paul wrote that verse because he was being oppressed. He said that he had a messenger from Satan which was sent to buffet him. He didn't give the details, but he prayed and asked God to take it away and that was when God said my grace is sufficient unto you.

Speaker 1:

So that's spiritual oppression right there, of course, and look, my friends, like I said, my grace is sufficient unto you. So that's spiritual oppression right there, of course. And look, my friends, like I said, it will come down. If you want success in your life, the thing that you have to do is submit. Submit not to your own will, submit not to the will of the enemy, but submit to the will of God.

Speaker 2:

Submit to the Lord. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh unto God and he will draw nigh unto you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be afflicted and mourn. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.

Speaker 1:

Amen, there we go. Summed up, that Perfect man, perfect. The moment you submit to the lord, things start happening. My friends, I have a scripture here, jeremiah 29, verse 11 for I know the plans I have for you declares the lord plans for welfare, not for evil, to give you a future and hope, then you will call upon me and come, pray and pray to me and I will hear you. My friends, if we submit to the lord things start happening. God will make you successful, and not always in the way that you think yeah, you're not.

Speaker 2:

You're not headed to hollywood, so that's not what we're saying.

Speaker 1:

You never know what's that after that remember in the 80s, man like I remember I grew up watching, like yes, you know up watching all these Christian movies made by this guy. Was it Kirk Cameron or something like that? Oh right.

Speaker 1:

Remember he was like a really big Hollywood actor and then he became Christian. He made that movie, fireproof, and there was one or two other fire movies. But anyway, god can even use people in that station. And look, my friends, when you submit to the Lord, his version of success will be apparent in your life, not your version of success. God might very well bless you financially. God might very well bless your business so that you can have a crazy amount of resources in order to grow the kingdom of God.

Speaker 1:

That last part is the most important. Yeah, which is being fruitful. That's the thing. So that's the thing, my friends. I'm not telling you today, if you submit to the Lord, you have be poor, because I think a lot of people have that mindset. They think if they submit to the lord, money is the root of all evil. That will stay that way. No, the moment you submit to the lord, things start to change. God might very well still bless you crazy like like in a financial way, but the thing is the end goal. This is where it all matters.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, money does not become your master that's exactly right, and you're not going to end up sitting on a pile of gold, eating gold, thinking this is fantastic, and you die, and you. You'll be buried on that same pile that's the thing.

Speaker 1:

I have another bible scripture here um romans 8, verse 37. Now, no, and all these things, we are more than conquerors. Through him who had loved, who loved us, for I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Now, dan, the reason why I have this Bible scripture in is the moment that we decide to submit to God, we fall under his umbrella of protection.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it also says you have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into his glorious kingdom of light. That's another one, that's a thing. Honestly, this success side is really easy. It's like they send you the ball and you can just hit it every time. That's the thing.

Speaker 1:

But that's the thing, dan.

Speaker 1:

It's simplified for a specific reason because it points to only one path that you should take, and that's submitting to the Lord.

Speaker 1:

If you submit to the Lord, if you want to have success in your life, my friends, give your life to Jesus, and I don't just mean just do the sinner's prayer and you're like one time committed or no, live your life for Jesus, and God will still give you the desires of your heart. I remember a few years ago, if you would have asked Mike, mike, what do you want? I would have said at the age of 30, I want a burger king, maybe a like a, like a popeyes you know like, or or like a franchise you know like, and I wanted to be a millionaire. It was all about money. If you ask me now, mike, what do you want at the age of 30, I would tell you it's like I want to be working for the lord man like that. That's my desire. And you know like god changes our hearts the longer we walk a road with him, and it's just amazing to see how god can transform people, can I, if they submit, yes, step in there, because I same thing with me.

Speaker 2:

Really. I mean, what did I want? I wanted to be a mercenary in the foreign legion, probably, you know, with a high body count and um it's hardcore man yeah, well, amongst other things, and I I did manage to have plenty of adventures. I'm not criticizing the foreign legion either.

Speaker 2:

I've taken aim at everyone one way or another, but you know what I want now is I I want for people to be saved and I want them to go to heaven so that they can enjoy eternity, and, other than that, I want them to have excellent lives, you know, to be healed, to live in freedom. You know, to have freedom from the sort of oppression that we've talked about, and to actually love each other, which is profitable. Now I can tell you there's a pretty big gap between me at the age of 20 and me at the age of 43 as of this week.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, and look, dan, sometimes, if we know the bible, we can have a lot of confidence in what the Lord actually has for us. Joshua, 1 verse 9, says have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous, do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go. You know, my friends, at the end of the day, if we know the Bible, we can have confidence, knowing that whatever step we take, whatever direction we go into, that the Lord will always be with us. Because why we submitting to God? And look, dan, I know sometimes it's easier said than done.

Speaker 1:

You know, like my, my, like a very pastor very close to me, you know, like once told me he says, mike, you know, moving in the will of God is like being on a river. He says I can start swimming and I can try to do my own thing. You know god's will is more powerful than than you can imagine. Yeah, and he said you can try and go against the stream, you can even try to get out of the river and find your own river. But he said, if you submitting to the will of god, you stay in that river and it doesn't matter where it goes through rapids or whatever, god will always let you just float down.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's a verse that says many of the plans of the man in the heart, but the plan of the lord, that will be done. But you see it, the will of god, it is willing that all should be saved and none should perish that's one it's the will of god that we be sanctified.

Speaker 2:

That's another one. Um, sanctification means basically to be holy. Now you think of all the nasty things that we've talked about and just ask yourself how many people are holy on this planet right now and what the effects of that would be. And um, I just like to go back to Hollywood for a reverse example. Um, megadeth, that's another band. I listened to that. Um, dave Mustang, the front man he was, became a heroin addict and he was also into everything else. He could not quit heroin and he knelt down and prayed to Jesus and he managed to quit heroin. He's still alive, he's with his wife. He's still he's with his wife, he's still.

Speaker 2:

He's still doing the heavy metal, but the the lyrics are not as like evil. Yeah, spot on, that's right. And look, I can. I can promise you that that's like just a plain example of of what we're talking about, you know? And yeah, sorry, sorry, michael, I didn't know.

Speaker 1:

And look guys, I've a good Bible scripture here again Proverbs 16, verse 3 commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established. My friends, if we just submit our lives, everything that we do will be within the will of God, but we have to submit it to the Lord. We have to submit it to the Lord.

Speaker 2:

And you will actually have something which you know, which is fruit that isn't harmful. You know that like some peace or some self-control. If you're taking drugs, you need self-control, or you may have joy or you may have. You know just all the things that actually go towards God, that he wants and which are actually what you need for your safety and stability.

Speaker 1:

And look, dan, at the end of the day, we can never underestimate the work of one singular Christian. You know, obviously it makes more of an impact of more people are Christian, say in the area or in a family. But, like, I've heard amazing stories, even within our own church, you know like, of of a family that didn't know Jesus at all, especially here in hong kong, where a lot of people are either indifferent to religion or they are like, um, they, they, they do ancestral worship in a way, they're controlled by their money.

Speaker 2:

They're controlled by their jobs. If you live in hong kong like I've I've lived in this place for 17 years I had neighbors who would not say hello to me. I mean, that's, that's the sort of place this is. But, mate, they will work themselves to the bone but look, it's not all bad.

Speaker 1:

I've also met like wonderful people in hong kong. People are not even christian yet like you're all stuck.

Speaker 2:

You can, everyone can come to me and you know they'll know that I was the bad guy.

Speaker 1:

No, dan. But look, man, at the end of the day it's a principle. But what I was trying to say, you know like. I know families that's been here in Hong Kong that they literally do not worship God at all and then one person in that family gets saved. And you don't like that whole concept where a rotten apple swirls the rest. I also believe it works in reverse, man. A good apple can unrotten the rest. That makes sense, man. You know like it's like one good person in the family it's a christian. They keep praying, they keep sowing seeds. Eventually god's gonna do something, man, in the lives of the people around them so never underestimate your influence.

Speaker 1:

and if you submit it and you're perhaps surrounded by people who are still oppressed by other things, Dan, do you still want to say something?

Speaker 2:

No well it's just obvious points on what you're saying. It says we are. I always get it mixed up.

Speaker 1:

I think it's Christ's ambassadors, god making his appeal through us or God's ambassadors, god making his appeals for us, or God's ambassadors, christ making his?

Speaker 2:

appeal through us. We are supposed to have these lives where we can actually be an example of something that people want, and this is a fine point to just say to all both sides, christians and non-Christians who are listening. One of the main reasons why people don't believe in Jesus and they don't listen to Christians is because when we talk and we say these nice things, that's different to the way we live and what we do, and when people see it, they think right, you know, you're very holy, aren't you? You're very like, high and lofty, but they can see the way you really live, and the real like punchline of everything we're saying is what you do. That's how it works your actions.

Speaker 1:

It's Gandhi that said I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Faith without works is dead. But look at the end of the day, dan, you know, like you shall know them by their fruits, and I'm also like, if I see a Christian with bad fruits, I also say don't just give up on them. Different seasons, man, you know, like I know, trees that bear bad fruits get chopped down and thrown into the fire.

Speaker 1:

But, at the end of the day, you know like sometimes people also Remember Jesus' disciples man. These guys were sometimes hectic man, Like they didn't listen to him. They fell asleep when he was praying. You know like at the end of the day, jesus didn't give up on his disciples, and neither should we also give up on Christians. They're not just trying to walk the road, but sometimes they stumble, sometimes they fall. We can help them up, my friends, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we should help our fellow Christians to also remain on the path and stay strong.

Speaker 2:

This is for the sake of integrity. This is actually good for you, Whether you're a Christian or a non-Christian, and you don't just want to be something with a little ribbon on its chest that looks good and it isn't going anywhere a little ribbon on its chest.

Speaker 1:

That looks good, you know, and it isn't going anywhere. So, guys, I think on that note we'll finish our podcast today. Dan, is there any lasting thought that you would like to add or you find to end there, brother?

Speaker 2:

I was just surprised by how easy the success side of it is. You know, it's just without thinking every, every single one of these curves that you get thrown in. The evil side just goes bang, bang, bang.

Speaker 1:

You know yes, and that's the thing. Jesus will always be the answer. Friends, whether you're being oppressed, whether you're looking for success, you know Jesus is the answer.

Speaker 2:

We haven't, we haven't even we haven't even begun to scrape the surface of the verses which would apply to success such as I pray that you would be in health and prosper in all things, even as your soul prospers. Or you know all the fruits of the Spirit, which are things of personality and character that relate to you. Know the way people you know get on with each other Think of all the emotional conflict people have and you know psychologists they're going mad themselves.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, we could. We could go so far into the success side of things and what Jesus does. So if we are going to say like a last thing, because the heading also said, can you find Jesus? So I think that's it.

Speaker 1:

Amen. So, guys, as always, thank you so much for your love and your support. If you want to also just send us an email, please feel free to do that. We will attach our email address at the bottom of the description.

Speaker 2:

We're real Christians. You send us a donation in solid gold, okay, and we're going to buy a Mercedes. He's going to have a Mercedes, I'm going to have a big one.

Speaker 1:

Guys Dan's just making jokes, but we really appreciate all of your love and your support and my friends. Goodbye and God bless. Yes, thank you.