The Truth, The Bible and Everything between

Episode 2 - Living Out True Christian Manhood

Michael van den Berg & Daniel Peters Season 1 Episode 2

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Ever wondered what truly defines a biblical man? Join us for a compelling conversation that challenges conventional views on masculinity and offers a transformative perspective rooted in faith. Sparked by reflections on Father's Day, we explore the essence of manhood through personal stories and biblical examples. 

Our discussion delves into the crucial themes of obedience to God and self-control. Discover how true peace and fulfillment come from adhering to God's commandments out of love rather than compulsion. We tackle the challenge of obedience in a world laden with easy yet unfulfilling paths, and share personal struggles with self-control, touching on issues like food, pornography, and gambling. Learn about the significance of self-control in maintaining healthy relationships and managing aggression, all through a biblical lens.

As we progress, we emphasize the need to integrate biblical teachings into daily life to resist temptations and live steadfastly as Christians. We discuss the importance of spiritual guidance and peace, illustrated through societal issues and scriptures from Corinthians and James. The episode wraps up with insights on walking in the Spirit and the power of humility, using examples from David's life and Paul's experiences. This enriching conversation challenges, inspires, and equips you to live out true biblical manhood, urging you to stay strong and steadfast in your faith journey.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Truth, the Bible and Everything Between with me, your host, michael and Daniel. Welcome back everybody to yet another episode of the Truth, the Bible and Everything Between. I'm here with my co-host, dan, today. Yes, so, guys, we have a very exciting episode today. Today, we're going to discuss what the biblical definition of a man is. But before we get into that, we just quickly want to recap what we spoke about last time and just add another few thoughts on that onto that.

Speaker 2:

so, dan, all over to you, brother um, yes, so it was obviously our first time and, um, you know, I I wonder what people thought about it and particularly if it was useful and if it helps people to know the truth. So my own thoughts was first of all, you know, afterwards, I think that you need to be led by the Holy Spirit and then you also need to read the Bible yourself and you need to find out what's in it. So it's not a silly thing where you sort of you listen to us and you're like a, you know, a dummy and we just tip it into your ear. So, yeah, I guess there are some things from last time that we'd want to sort of, you know, maybe look at in detail.

Speaker 1:

Straighten out, yeah, but look, I mean like we have lots of podcasts coming up. You know, like we'll definitely delve deeper into topics that you guys might have questions about, or something that we even feel prompted to speak about in our hearts. But you know, Dan, that's pretty much it for my side. Is there anything else you wanted to add?

Speaker 2:

I think you mentioned you found like one or two Bible scriptures related to salvation. Yes, I did, but I think it was honestly you, you know more something for the future. So, yeah, I looked at, um, I think, the first book of peter and the second book of peter and that had quite a lot. So if anyone is, you know, quite serious and wondering about these things, um, you could easily read first and second peter. But, yeah, in future we'll we'll go into that again, discuss that okay, great.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, like I said, today we have an exciting thing that we're going to talk about. It was father's day this past sunday and I thought it would just be quite fitting for us actually to talk about what a man is in the biblical sense. You know, today, I think, in society, there is quite a a warped vision, um, or a warped version of what a man should look like, and if you do something that that might not confirm, confirm with society, like people would think, oh no, it's toxic masculinity. But today we want to set the record straight, you know, know, like we're going to look at the Bible, we're going to look at some of some attributes that we feel a man should have, and we're also going to look at some biblical examples to actually back that up. So, straight off the bat, dan, before we even jump into everything that the Bible says, if I were to ask you, dan, how would you define a man, what would you say?

Speaker 2:

Well, I am I don't know what, what would you say very skeptical. Um, now, I mean my own experience, just to give you an idea. Growing up, I had three fathers. Um, there was a television show called my three sons, but I had my three fathers and uh, um, look, I I hope they're not listening, but if they are, um, you know, it's just terrible. I mean one guy, let's just say all three were abusive, and if that's your, your idea of a man, you're shooting pretty low. And when I'm saying that, that's for their own good, you know. So from then on, I've I've gone out into life and I've seen hundreds and thousands of men.

Speaker 2:

I've had my own sort of silly misconceptions, I mean, particularly when I was, say, in my 20s. You know, I would, I'd go. I lived in a place called doonside and I'm just going to be insulting people left, right in the center. If you're from doonside, too bad. I lived there as well. But uh, second highest crime rate in australia and I had this idea that you had to be tough and honestly in a place like Doonside. You don't want to be like a sissy because you'll get picked on. But I'd go. They had a local pub, I'd go in there and there'd be these big guys there with mustaches, and I'd make sure I could stare at them a little bit, you know, and I thought, yeah, like you know's, that's what I'm doing. That that shows that I'm tough and I mean, you can. You can imagine how disastrous I was. But, um, yeah, so there you go, michael okay, that's the thing.

Speaker 1:

And if you think about what a man constitutes, you know like it's. It's like a, like a macho guy, like sometimes I picture someone like Tom Selleck. You know, in my mind, you know.

Speaker 2:

Magnum PI. You know, yeah, yeah, you know, like all those old school guys.

Speaker 1:

You know like. But what does a man, what does a man actually consist of? If we look at the Bible, you know like there are so many good examples and bad examples of people who are men, you know, and the way that they lived, some of them good. You mentioned your father's dad. You know like, and and the way that they lived, some of them good you. You mentioned your, your father's Dan, you know like. Sorry, I had to go through that brother, but you know like that's the thing they weren't all biologically, my father.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course I had.

Speaker 2:

My sister had one father, I had one father, my three brothers had another father.

Speaker 1:

But you know, in that sort of role yes, but look, all of us have the people that we look up to in our lives. You know like, and I feel especially a lot of men. You know like, if we want to be Christians, you know like, we also have to live in a certain way. So we thought it fitting today to actually look at a few attributes that a godly man should consist of, certain things that they should have in their lives to make them a good man in the eyes of god. You know like, and look, there are lots of things that can go into this, but we're going to focus on a few key ones today. Um, the first thing, what I actually want to focus on today, dan, I feel a man of okay, so a man in the kingdom of God, a man that's a Christian, should have strong obedience in their life towards God. What do you think about that, dan?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I think that's important, particularly if you want to please God, and I guess there are just many, many verses, you know, which indicate that we should please God, Of course. So it goes two ways. If you're pleasing God, then how does that reflect on what you are and how you?

Speaker 1:

function, of course, and look, one example that immediately comes to mind is I always think of Abraham, abraham at the ultimate test of obedience. You know, like in the Bible we can go and read. You know, like in Genesis 22, verse 1 to 19. You read the story about Abraham's obedience to God to sacrifice his son Isaac. Now, you know, we all know, that Abraham also, like he, yearned for a son and God gave him a son, the first son, ishmael, and that was not his chosen son or what was supposed to be, you know, like God's offspring for him. But then he had Isaac and you know, like, then God actually asked him just to see if Abraham would be obedient, to go and sacrifice the thing that God gave him. And what did Abraham do? Daniel, can you please enlighten our listeners?

Speaker 2:

Well, as I recall, he took his son up the mountain without actually telling him and his son said, but where will we find a sacrifice? And took him to the top. In the end he got him on the altar. I don't know if he had to hit him on the head first, but yeah, got him on the altar and right at the end God stopped him before he plunged his knife down and I believe there was a ram or a sheep which was caught in a bush nearby For the sacrifice, and God was pleased.

Speaker 1:

And that's the thing, friends, you're like. If you want to be a godly man or a man that walks the path you know, be the biblical version of a man, you have to have obedience in your life, even if that means foregoing the thing that is most important to you. If you look at the story of Abraham in the bible and I would like, like Dan said in the beginning, we would really like to encourage everybody listening to this to really spend some time read your bible, you know, but, like if you read the story of abraham, he yearned for offspring, he yearned to have the son you know, like, and when god gave it to him, god asked him to go and sacrifice his son, but he was willing to do it. So obedience is so important. Friends. Um, I have a few bible scriptures to also back that up, then. And deuteronomy 11, verse 26 to 27, we read see, I'm sitting before you today a blessing and a curse. The blessing, if you obey the commandments of the lord, your god, which I have commanded you today. You know, friends, the bible and we've mentioned this before very briefly, but the Bible should always be your guidebook. If you're not following the Bible, you're not doing the right thing, my friends, and if you want to be a godly man, you need to try and obey the commandments outlined in the Bible. There are so many things God has given us, basically the manual on how to live life, and if we want to be men of God, if you want to be a child of God, you need to try and listen and follow that, my friends.

Speaker 1:

I have another Bible scripture here, in John 14, verse 23. Jesus answered him If anyone loves me, he will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him. Whoever does not love me does not keep my word. And the word what you hear is mine, and it's not mine, but the father who sent me here. Jesus is telling us if you love him, you will keep his commandments. So, my friends, obedience goes a long way. Dan, is there anything else you would like to add on obedience as?

Speaker 2:

a man of God. Well, just on the thing with Abraham, I read perhaps coincidence Hebrews I think, chapter 11, this week, and it says that Abraham reasoned that God could still raise his son from the dead, his son from the dead. But, yeah, I think that's a perfect example for obedience and how it should work. Whether you want to or not, yeah, so I think Abraham did well. And, as far as it goes, what you're saying about pleasing God and being obedient, I think you've really sort of you've taken the meat out of the discussion and skipped to the end. But really, the way I look at it as well is, even before you get to a blessing, there's just self-preservation and there's intelligence and wisdom, and you'll find that these things are how you're actually going to function, you know. So, I mean, before you even came to getting blessed, well, you know, can you even just function well and do credit to yourself? Because, yeah, I mean a blessing, that's obviously, you know, the ultimate and, as you're saying, that's directed towards pleasing God.

Speaker 1:

If you're, yeah, well, exactly, and it all comes down to decisions. You know like it's called obedience, not convenience, and you know like it's sometimes something that might be difficult to bear. You know, in today's day and age, you know like I think it's much easier to follow the way of the world, dan. You know, in today's day and age, you know like I think it's much easier to follow the way of the world, dan. You know like you feel like you don't always have limitations and it's maybe easier to do things a certain way. You've brought the meat back.

Speaker 2:

I was afraid there was going to be no controversy.

Speaker 1:

But that's the thing. But at the end of the day, you know like it's not worth it, man, it's not worth it. You know like you know like it's not worth it, man, it's not worth it. You know, like you know, like everybody, that's tasted of the world. You know like you will always yearn for peace. You will always look for that thing in your life that you need, and you can only really get that if you're close to God. And being close to God means you're gonna have to obey what God says.

Speaker 1:

My friends, and sometimes it's easier to do, sometimes it's harder to do, but nonetheless we need to be like Abraham. We need to be obedient to what God is telling us. Yeah, and, like I said, it's not like we just you just have to feel around or to go speak to someone so they can hear from God. No, you can now, right now, in your living room, you can open your Bible and find out exactly what God wants you to do and be obedient to that, and not even in a religious way. This is literally we want to obey God because we love him. We're not going to try and keep all the commandments because out of compulsion or I feel forced to do it. It really comes down to obedience. Yes, so that's obedience, dan. Is there anything else you want to add on that, or can we?

Speaker 2:

move on to the next point, I would just say the flip side of that which I'm talking about, say the lower sort of side, is to fear god. And, um, you know, it says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom, says humility is the fear of god. Fear god and keep his commandments, for this is the entire duties of man, and so it's quite sort of similar to what you're saying. It goes hand in hand. But that's what I'm talking about on the most basic level, where you actually appreciate that you have to do something you know, towards God. It's not just well, you know, do any old thing you know. Know, like some of the things that I I described, which were my experiences okay, wonderful, thanks for ending off with that damn.

Speaker 1:

Um, we're gonna jump out to our next point self-control. This one has a lot of weight to it. Um, guys, you know like I I definitely believe in my spirit. This is one of the attributes that a godly man should have is self-control. You know like. One thing I specifically struggle a little bit with is food. I'm really I enjoy my food. You know my Burger King and McDonald's and things, and yeah, the Lord also convicted me a little bit about my eating habits. You know like. And self-control can look different for everybody. Everybody has something else that they struggle with, true, some guys, you know like, it might be something heavy, like pornography or gambling. For other guys, it might be something like eating, you know like. Or sugar, you know like. Or drinking soda, you know like, but, but self-control is is your ability to limit yourself for a specific reason. Yeah, you know like, but, but self-control is is your ability to limit yourself for a specific reason. Yeah, you know like, I'm there I know you've nailed that.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I just had to make an exclamation so yeah, is there anything you want to say to expand on the concept of self-control?

Speaker 2:

you see, this is this is my personal experience, sorry, mate. Mate, you were on a roll.

Speaker 1:

No, of course, go for it, mate. I just felt so strongly.

Speaker 2:

My own experience of men, this is absolutely crucial. Now, I've seen many women who get beaten and I've seen, like just general, the way guys behave. I've had so many guys behave towards me in an aggressive way and this is male behavior which you can see in nature. Now I'm I'm well qualified, okay, because I've I've had conflict with dogs, monkeys, policemen, you name it. Now, the way a monkey responds, it's all this aggressive sort of dominant sort of behavior and I've had many men who just do the same thing.

Speaker 2:

And for women, when I think of my friends, the girls that I know, there's about two guys who I've met who I would recommend that they marry, and the main thing is because I know they can control themselves. I know that on a dark night, when, when she's been giving him like an earful for an hour, you know like whatever it is the pots and pans and this and that he's not going to actually blow his temper and punch her in the nose and um, that's, that's self-control. It's just a very crucial aspect of the way men behave and, yeah, it's not something you can get away with.

Speaker 1:

And look self-control. You can see some examples of biblical characters that exercise self-control throughout the Bible. One example that springs up to me is the story of Joseph when he was actually in Potiphar's house. Potiphar's wife wanted to seduce Joseph, but what did Joseph do? He stood strong, he resisted this woman and you know like I think this might be a temptation point for a lot of guys. You know, like, um, it's easy for guys. I don't want to get too much into it because our next point is going to be very much related to to temptation, but the thing is, we have to exercise self-control and, like I said, I would definitely suggest everybody read it for themselves. You can read in genesis 39. You'll read all about Joseph and his ability to actually control himself and not fall into temptation.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and we don't know if Potiphar's wife was attractive or not.

Speaker 1:

on that point, that's the thing, and she might have very well been.

Speaker 2:

I'm not disclosing mate.

Speaker 1:

She could have had warts, but that's the thing. Even if she was, he was able to limit himself and exercise self-control at the most necessary time. And I found this beautiful Bible scripture, dan, that I want to share with everybody. It's see here Proverbs 25, verse 28. A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, but that that's powerful. It's another one from proverbs um he that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh the city.

Speaker 1:

Okay, here we go and and that's the thing you know like, if I just think about these two images, you know like that means you're defenseless. You know like, if you have out self-control, that means one day you can be like this and the next day you're completelyeless. You know like, if you have out self-control, that means one day you can be like this and the next day you're completely a different person. Because and guys, let's be honest you know like we're all going to feel different emotions. They're going to be times where you get frustrated and angry and self-control helps you not to immediately act on it, but act in a good way. That's that that's conducive to what a Christian should look like, what a man of God should look like.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Also fruits of the Spirit. So you know because this is about the Bible, so you need to know that that's one of the fruits of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, meekness, goodness and self-control.

Speaker 1:

There we go, and Galatians 5 was 22.

Speaker 2:

Ah, mate, it came last. I had to remember all the others, yeah but that's the thing you know like.

Speaker 1:

It's it, I think it's positioning and it's perfect because it's it, it has a lot of significance. You know like, and and I feel this should be part of every single man's life, whether it is in in your gambling habits or you know like, sometimes even just watching or streaming content. You know, from streaming services, it's very easy just to watch a movie with, with, with nudity and things like that in, and sometimes you also need to be aware of. You know like, there can be things that seep into your spirit. You know like, if you watch things like that, there's going to be a point where you're also going to get frustrated because you're almost going to feel like you cannot really control what's going to happen next.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, can I just point out, since we're going heavy most serial killers, that's actually how they end up following that path and these days people say, oh well, it's psychology, they don't understand it. But the fact is, if they had controlled themselves in the beginning, at at the point where you're talking about, they would have never ended up at the end where they have no control at all. And, um, what, what you're saying with self-control and what I've pointed out it? When you just look at it, it doesn't seem like something you need, but it's actually essential and this is the sort of thing where it's what you are, you know, it's how you function, so it'll be very important, particularly if you want to be a man of character, you know, or someone who can actually do something and you're not just going to muck it up and it comes back to you so on.

Speaker 1:

That self-control is very, very important and, like I said, that's actually going to lead us into our next point the ability to resist temptation. So, man, this is a hard one man, you know, because if you look at Bible, there are lots of Bible characters that succeeded in actually resisting temptation, but then there are also lots of Bible characters that actually failed in their quest to resist temptation. You know, like, if I just go off the top of my head, you know like King David is a very prominent figure. You know, like this guy, he played a big role in the nation of Israel in shaping what their future was to become. But even he, he himself, succumbed to temptation when he cheated or when he committed adultery with Bathsheba, and murder as well, and murder. And if you look at the root of that, it's just lost. You know he saw bathing on a roof.

Speaker 2:

That's the exact point we're talking about. So Self-control, I mean, when you hear it you just think, oh, I don't want that. You know that sounds boring, but the thing is like what I've learned you might be happy now. I mean, if I don't know, maybe you're older than me, but when I was like young still young, but younger I thought it was all going to be easy. And you don't realise you're going to go for a stretch of like years. You know where things are difficult, and so when you're on the rooftop and you see this woman, what are you going to do? Because it's not going to be as easy as you think, of course but look, that's the thing, the ability to resist temptation.

Speaker 1:

And what I want us to do is I want us to really focus on the ultimate example of what a man is yeah, and also I'm just gonna say, mate, for pity's sake, like who makes, like the bathtub, the window, but anyway times were a bit different.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, but y'all. Well, like I said, the ultimate example of what a man is, my friends, is Jesus. You know like, we can look at Bible characters and their convictions and the things that they went through, but there's no greater example than our Lord and Savior Jesus. You know like, and I'm immediately reminded of the temptation that Jesus faced when he was in the desert. You could go and read all about that. Let's quickly see here. Yeah, and in matthew 4, verse 1 to 11, you can read all about jesus temptation in the desert, and at the time jesus was actually fasting, he didn't eat, he didn't drink. You know like, he was there in the desert. So remember there's other things that he also had to contend with. He had physical pains, you know like, of hunger and and thirst. You know like, over and above the devil, trying to, you know like, convince him that things are different. You know. So, at the end of the day, you know like, if we look at Jesus's example to resist temptation, we can all learn from it, and my friends definitely recommend please go have a read Matthew 4, verse 1 to 11. You'll read all about how Jesus resisted the devil, and it was one thing that stood out very well.

Speaker 1:

There was very prominent in that piece of Scripture. You know what that is then? It's the main thing that Jesus used to combat the devil exactly the Word of God. Every time the devil came to Jesus and he told him something Jesus battled the devil with the Word of God. Every time the devil came to Jesus and he told him something Jesus battled the devil with the word of God and, as a man of God, this is something that you should also use in your life. The word of God, my friends, I cannot begin to even you know like, just say you need this thing in your life. If you're not spending time in the word, your life will be difficult. And I know sometimes yes, as guys, maybe you feel like you're very busy. You don't always have time to read the Bible. Make time, you know, like, if you're going somewhere. There are practical things that you can do. Man, like, what's it? Bible reading apps, you can listen to an audio Bible if you want, but the word of God should be part of every single guy's life.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, I'm just going to say that the Bible tells you to read the Bible and it says except with meekness, the engrafted word which is able to save your soul. That's not, it's not something you want to dismiss, you know. It says, as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word, having tasted that, you may grow thereby. And it's I mean basically spiritually, for your spiritual growth. And I mean aside from the basic of our discussion, which is to know the truth, and then how that functions. I mean, if you want to have self-control, like, oh, I'll be honest, You're not just going to snap your fingers and get it like that because it is a fruit of the spirit.

Speaker 1:

You know, like I, I heard a very prominent preacher actually speak about it this morning on an instagram reel of all places, um, but. But he basically said, if, if you go, say someone is earning minimum wage, um, I don't know like what, I don't't know what it is.

Speaker 2:

It's not a lot, but, but, but it's not a lot, but you don't let Hong Kong per hour.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but like, let's make it say it like in, in, in US terms, you know. Like, like just for for people to understand.

Speaker 1:

That's about seven US dollars an hour seven US dollars an hour, so like if I'm earning, say, seven US dollars an hour and you met any minimum wage, and your manager comes to you and says okay, look, I want to give you a promotion. Here's a handbook. In two weeks from now, you're gonna be, you're gonna be asked everything that's in this handbook, and if you're able to tell me everything that's in it, I'll give you a thousand percent increase in your salary. I can assure you, for the next two weeks, whoever that person is that's earning minimum wage, they will study that thing day and night to make sure that they know every single bit of content within it.

Speaker 1:

And you know like this is a funny example, but if you think about it, it relates to our lives as christians too. You know like the bible has, even so, much more significance. This is not even money, man, this is life. This is the book that's going to bring you life, you know like if you follow it. But yet we do not spend day and night in the word. And as a man of God, you know like I feel this should be part of your life, so you're going to be able to resist temptation when it comes no matter in what form.

Speaker 2:

You know. It seems like a subtle point, but then, if you go back to the different sort of examples that we've had, had you actually read the Bible and known what was in it and applied it, what would the result be? And without sort of you know, using things which may offend people, let's just take David. I mean, are there any verses which you might have applied? I mean David, I'll give you some. Yes, you know so. Jesus said if a man looks at a woman to lust after her, he's committed adultery with her already in his heart. He said if your eye offend, you pluck it out, and if your hand offend, you cut it off. Now let's just stop right there and you're on the same rooftop. Someone's installed their bathtub nearby. And what are you going to do now? Because Jesus told you what to do. If he hadn't done that, what would have happened?

Speaker 1:

And this is the interesting thing, dan, I'm going to read you from 1 Corinthians 10, verse 13. No temptation has overtaken you. That is not common to man. God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted behind your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure it. Now, why is this significant? So this tells us, man, when you're going to get tempted by something, god also knows what your limits are. So that means, if you're getting tempted by something, you have the ability to overcome it already. But that's the thing. You just need to make the right decisions at the right times. That's the thing you have to make the right decisions at the right time.

Speaker 2:

Now you understand what we're talking about, because this is crucial. This is the point where you can screw your whole life up. It could be in the space of 10 seconds, you know where you're actually there and, yeah, what happens.

Speaker 1:

That's the thing. And I have another wonderful scripture here James 1, verse 12. Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life. My friends, stay strong as a man of God, stand strong, stay strong. You can beat whatever you're going through. Just remember to always keep the Lord in mind. You know, like I said, guys have different things that we struggle with, man, I mean, some people have a very checkered past and they're carrying a lot of emotional baggage, and there's lots of things that people struggle with every single day. Whether you're a girl or a guy, you know, and the thing is, you already have the thing that you need to overcome those things. That's the Bible, man. I'm gonna keep going back to it, you know, like because it has extreme significance in our lives you know, I think what we're doing is we're referring the Bible to people.

Speaker 2:

Now I know guys who don't control their temper. They don't think they need to control their temper. I know guys who think that it's fine to beat their wives. In russia, um, I've actually heard recently it's actually legal to beat your wife and unless she's hospitalized, they, the police, won't do a thing. And I'm mate, well you know, hospitalization for a beating that's broken bones and internal bleeding. Other than that, you know, if she's got a black eye and bruises and anything, they think it's fine. And I'm telling you, like that's, that's not fine. But then suppose you had have read the Bible, as opposed to having this sort of principle, which is actually Russian law. It would function differently, mmm.

Speaker 1:

But look, I mean, we held to a standard that's dictated by the Bible. You know like, and if you want to be a man of God, guys, this is the norm. You know like, this is what we're going to have to do. We're going to have to try and keep to what the Bible is actually telling us.

Speaker 2:

What's the truth? You know how does it function? Just think about that, because this is this is what we're talking about. So it'll actually it'll function. You know it's a thing.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, we already discussed a few attributes that every man needs self-control, ability to resist temptation. The next one we're gonna talk about is being spirit led. Wow, dan, what do you think of that? How can you be spirit?

Speaker 2:

led. Number one peace, peace. Okay, yes, when I think about being led by the spirit, the first thing that comes to me is actually peace, which is from God, that you do right Now. You don't have peace exclusively of righteousness, and that's something that you do right Now. You don't have peace exclusively of righteousness, and that that's something that you can have. And, yeah, I think, um, when you, when you look in terms of how things function and you see all of these things out in the world, where is the peace? You know?

Speaker 2:

So, if peace is something, just by contrast, if we wanted to look at the Bible, in James, it says where do the wars come from? Among you, you lust. Basically, it says you want, you lust and you have not, and that's where your actual, your fighting and your contention comes from. You Like the passion which wars in your members. And it says this I say, therefore walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. So being in the spirit is not, you know, when you're actually living in your fleshly desires. You know that's exactly what we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

If I use David or any man who's looking at a woman and lusting after her, then that's when you are actually not walking in the spirit. And God, god is the spirit. You know, the Holy Spirit is the spirit. I mean, that's spirit right there and that's not. It says they that are in the flesh cannot please God. So you know, to give you the perspective from Jesus, he said love, not the world, neither the things that are in the world, because all that is of the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world, and the flesh passes away and the lust thereof. But they that do with the will of my father, abideth forever. Excellent. That's what you, that's what you actually need to get to god. So you know, when you're walking around and you're, you're there sort of lusting and looking at women, or suppose you know, it's the sort of thing I've discussed where you're beating your wife.

Speaker 1:

That's something where you're actually not, not with God, and it's controlling you and look, with being spirit led, it comes easier to some people than others. The thing is, I think, as men, you know I can, and it's people you know that know the Lord woman, as you know, and as people you know that know the Lord women as well. You know like we all hear the voice of God. You know like, in different capacities you know like I know some people hear an audible voice of God. That's amazing. I pray one day I'll get to experience that. But for a lot of people it's like a conviction that you feel in your heart. But being spirit led looks a little bit different for everybody. Your heart, but being spirit-led looks a little bit different for everybody. You know like I pray that there'll be a day where I'm so sensitive to the spirit that I'm walking in the street and the Lord will tell me Mike, go, pull that man off of his wheelchair. You know like, and and I'll be able to listen you know, I'll tell you one thing don't.

Speaker 2:

Don't say that you're not, no no, but this is not a converse one, because I'm a guy who has prayed literally for 23 years and I've complained over and over and over that I can't hear God's voice. But then the truth is that I actually am, because I do know God and I do know what's right and I do it. And, as you're saying, there's many ways that you can actually be led by the Spirit, and I mean even you know the fact that we're not going in the opposite direction. Do you know what I mean, which is destructive. Now, my wife and I we've tried to be led by the Spirit a lot. Just this week, she heard God's voice clearly telling her what to do, and I said to her I said well, I wish that I could be led by the Spirit too. And she said you are. Now. What I'm saying is if that's your goal, don't say that you're not. Do you know what I mean? I'm sort of looking at it in reverse, as if you're already there.

Speaker 1:

So I think that, yeah, but that's the thing. It moves from strength to strength.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly.

Speaker 1:

What I'm trying to say is you become more sensitive to being spiritually the longer you walk a road of the Lord. Yeah, that's the whole point In the beginning you would always go into a certain direction or do a certain thing because you feel the Lord is upon it. You know like. But as you start walking the road of Christ, you know like, you become more confident in your convictions.

Speaker 1:

Yes, because you know, like oh, this is definitely from the Lord, this is not from my heart. Or this is not from the enemy. This, this is definitely from the Lord. This is not from my heart, this is not from the enemy. This is God pushing me in this direction. You know, like I'm reminded of one example. I actually found this in Acts 16, verse 6 to 10, where Paul was planning to go on a mission trip, and I'm going to read this actually, for all of us. Was that the one where he argued with Barnabas.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to show you. Sorry, I thought that was funny.

Speaker 1:

So it almost came to blows Exactly. So, passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas and a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia was standing there urging him and saying come over to Macedonia and help us. And then Paul had seen the vision Immediately going to help us. And then Paul had seen the vision immediately we sought to go into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.

Speaker 1:

You know like, this is just an example where you know, like you actually have a plan in place and then God reveals something to you in some way, shape or form. And, like I said, dan, this can come in different ways. Some people might hear audible voice of God, other people, they, they sit there one morning and all of a sudden they just open the bible, they find the scripture of something that they were waiting for. You know, like, or this might even be someone that walks up to you in the mall that says they have a word from you, from the lord. You know, like we, we sometimes I wouldn't say we have to keep an open mind about this, but you know, the lord can speak, speak to us in different ways and we should track now and we shouldn't, we shouldn't try to box god in.

Speaker 1:

I feel, sometimes as christians, you know, because maybe we have a certain disposition towards a certain way of doing things we, we inadvertently limit god. And I've done this before, dan, you know, like I've always said, you know, like the Bible is the only thing that I will listen to, and yeah, in many respects that is 100% correct, you know, but, like someone very close to me actually gave me a word that they felt was from God and it was also in the Bible, I was like, no, it's not bible scripture, so I'm not going to listen to it, and that was my, my opinion on it. But you know, god really does speak to people and you know, like, god can really also speak through people. But always make sure that the source is correct. You know, like I can promise you, if you cannot find it in the bible, what they're saying is not from God.

Speaker 2:

There's at least one truth that we can carry from there Well, I've been thinking about that, because when you started talking about the spirit and I said peace, and I was thinking, well, what verses are there? But it says God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. And with regard to wisdom, which is a lot of the things we're talking about, like controlling your temper, ruling your spirit, it says all the parts of wisdom are peace. Now, on the contrary, when you apply it, it says all those that hate wisdom love death. And when you see things going badly in the world, that's death. That's how it functions.

Speaker 2:

When, when you make the foolish decision, um, now, it also says that satan appears as a messenger of light. And it also says that you should test everything. And it says you should cleave to that which is good, and even when they're, you know, there are prophecies. It says that, that you should test them. And it says that you should not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed, therefore, by the renewing of your minds, that you may prove what is that perfect and acceptable will of god. Now, even peter, for example, there was a a time when Paul rebuked him and he had walked with Jesus. He wrote two books of the Bible. He was the OG, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

He obviously you know Jesus said, you know he was part of the foundation of the church. He called him Stephen's little rock yeah.

Speaker 2:

And so the fact is that even someone like that can actually be getting it wrong. And I think Paul, you know, he was sort of refusing to eat with the Gentiles when the Jews came and he had that sort of pressure. I mentioned Paul and Barnabas. Obviously, I don't know if Barnabas had been like burning their supper or what it was, but there was a disagreement, you know, and a lot of the stuff we're talking about. When it comes down to truth, it's not. It's not silly things about arguing or one person thinking that they know. It's about actually knowing the truth and and what do you do for yourself? So that it's an important thing, it's a thing man, and, and it carries weight.

Speaker 1:

Damn, this thing carries a lot of weight for all of us, man. And you know like I definitely know like my desire, at least, is to become even more spirit led. You know like, and, and it's really like something I say it's like a little bit progressive. You know like it, it comes easier for some people. But you know like I, I definitely feel like the longer my road is with God, it's not always about time. God can immediately and one day reveal to you amazing things and set you free from the things that bind you, but it takes some time to get to that place in your relationship with the Lord.

Speaker 2:

I can be useful with this because I'm, you know, a bit older than Michael.

Speaker 2:

So it says let perseverance have its work in you, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing Now, straight away, that tells you that that's something that you don't have to start off with. And it says but you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God. There's just many, many verses in the New Testament which, ironically, a lot of churches they don't teach which talk about you actually building yourself up, building your faith, reading the Bible, growing you know, becoming mature, developing character, developing experience. Now, here's the thing that we're talking about, because if you're, if you don't recognize that and I've learned many things the hard way over years, so if you're not a person, for example, who recognizes that they need to walk in the spirit or be led by the spirit, you could be making mistakes for years which you're not actually building yourself up, which is the sort of result you're talking about and I have another bible scripture to share on this matter.

Speaker 1:

You know, romans 8, verse 14, for all who are led by the spirit are sons of god. Wow, and another beautiful one here galatians 5 is 25. If we live by the spirit, let us also keep in step with the spirit. You know, like dan, one thing that I've that I've definitely noticed in my own life at least. You know like we begin to change as you become closer to God and you know like, if your spirit is in tune with the Lord, you know like your desires, your wants, your needs, the way you talk, the way you walk, everything you do in life will start to change, because you cannot remain the same.

Speaker 1:

We spoke a little bit about this last time when we spoke about salvation. So you become a new creature in Christ and you really spirit, red spirit, spirit led. You know like everything you do will be different and people also start to notice man, and that's the thing people will start to notice, even people that are closest to you. They normally notice first. You know like and and for some people it might be confusing. I know people with, like, serious problems, man, people that struggled with hectic things, man, and then all of a sudden they become a Christian and their entire lives change, and the people closest to them cannot fathom that these people change so quickly. And that's also the thing, man, that's the only change that Christ can bring. You know, like I know, lots of people struggle with heavy things, man, like drugs and and addictions.

Speaker 2:

And you know, like it's only god that can really set you free from something and some problems which are to do with being led by the spirit, and I think now you're spot on, because now you're talking about the stage where you actually have the fruit. Yes, and that's, that's the real point of what we're. We're sort of saying, you know, and um, there are, there are a lot of problems which, which are subtle. You know, there are things where people actually give credit to it and they think, oh, you know, this is excellent, this person's successful, I mean. They're just many, many examples, but they're not spiritual, it's actually corruption. Um, I've mentioned the russian government and you know, you have a thing for the russians today.

Speaker 2:

It's not no mate, I'll, I'll take any government in the world. Honestly, mate, I'll take them right down, because the sort of corruption that you have, where people have a principle, they apply it broad scale in the law or whatever else, and the end result is just suffering. You know for thousands of people and what we're talking about. You can go right back to the Bible and you can know the truth and you can apply it and see how it would have worked. You know there's things I mean just people. Everyone admires Hollywood, mate.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to pull my guns out Bash on actors eh.

Speaker 2:

Actors. I know a couple of girls who are actors. You know this will be fine for them, but basically, like, just think about, you know, to make it less personal some of the principles that you see in Hollywood films. Now, you can't argue that it's widely accepted. I watched Mad Max Furosa. Oh yes, and, mate, I was disgusted, I was, and I've got a strong stomach. I was disgusted, I was, and I've got a strong stomach. But they've gone out of their way to make this just the most appalling sort of spectacle. It's an obvious attempt to get attention and spiritually, you know, if we wanted to talk about the truth, it's just leading you to hell. I mean, why would you do that? You know? Yeah, so I may have gotten us a little bit off the beaten path, but when you're looking at spiritual fruit by comparison with something which is corrupt, so you can sort of understand exactly what we're talking about and how it works and what you get which is related to God.

Speaker 1:

And look, matt, the thing is like I said, sometimes it's easier, sometimes it's harder, but the longer you walk a road of the Lord, you also know the things that you should watch out for. And you know, like I said, we all have different convictions, man.

Speaker 2:

I'm using an example. By by the way, if you watch Mad Max, I like Mad Max, that's fine mate. I've watched the first three. You know you have a thing called discretion, but on the other hand, I would have thought you liked Mad Max instead of Australian. Watch the last one, mate, they're eating cockroaches, but I'm talking about this a principle for how it works in real life, not a movie, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean now you, you sort of getting closer to the bone. You know of how it functions, of course. So yeah, as a movie, just use your discretion, you know if you like it great so to bring us back to the tributes of a man.

Speaker 1:

So we discussed quite a few here. The most recent one was spirit being spirit led the. The last one that I actually want us to discuss today is humility. And remember, we spoke a little bit about david a little bit earlier, and dav David is such a he's an amazing character, because I think a lot of people can relate to him, because he's flawed, you know, but he also had great humility and and I'm going to point this out now, there's a beautiful psalm here, psalm 51, where just after he committed adultery with Bathsheba, this is what he said.

Speaker 1:

This is David now. Okay, he's humble, he's before the God, and I just want you guys to experience the passion in which David is crying out to the Lord. He says have mercy on me, o God, according to your steadfast love, according to your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I know my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me? Behold, you delight in truth and inward being, and you teach me wisdom in secret heart. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. That's heavy man.

Speaker 2:

I assume that hyssop goes into the washing machine. It's like the modern equivalent of bleach.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course, but just for some context, you know. But you know, like Dan, like this speaks to me man David sinned. And what is he doing now? He's humbling himself before the Lord, and this is why the Bible says that David was a man close to God's heart. And you know why a lot of people have different opinions on it. You know, like they say it's oh, it's because the way he worshiped, oh, it's because he did this. You know why? It's because he was vulnerable in front of God. He opened his heart. David sinned look, there's no two ways about it. He did a terrible thing, but what did he do? In humility, he came before the lord and he repented. And and that's for us guys, you know like, and and ladies as well, you know, like guys, if we make a mistake, we need to have the humility to come to the lord and say sorry. We need to say, god, I'm coming before I repent of all my sins, because it's only from that point onwards that we can make a change.

Speaker 2:

Now, this is perfect to qualify everything that we've said, because that verse really, actually it shows you what's happening. Now, if you don't believe in the Bible and if you don't believe that this is true, you may not think there's anything wrong with that. You know, you may, you may commit adultery there. There are people who commit murder. They think there's nothing wrong with it, and you know what you're talking about. This references everything that we're saying to that point. Um, I I would also say you know, because it's gotten quite far. I mean, mad max, that's really off the deep end. Look, my own wife liked the film, so we had quite a detailed discussion afterwards, you know, and debating the virtues of it. But, um, the thing is, this isn't for people to just be dumb, this is something that you have to think about. This is, I mean, we're obviously talking about everything coming from the Bible which we believe is the truth. So, if you actually hear what we're saying, you need to go and look into the Bible and you need to see it for yourself and you need to be led by the Spirit yourself and then suppose you don't believe in Jesus. Led by the Spirit yourself, and then suppose you don't believe in Jesus, then what are your principles and how do they function? You know, can you apply them? That's an interesting thing, I think. Humility, you know, just because I'm sort of tying in a lot of the things that we've talked about and what you were saying about David repenting to me, that really brings it to the crux. You know that's how it will actually be for you. You know, when you've done that and you can see how all these things, you know how they come out and I think, in terms of you know what a man is, mate, I would, I would grab humility with both hands. Okay, and this is the thing.

Speaker 2:

Like I've, I've been around and I was thinking of this, you know, before we sort of did this topic, there's just a few basic thoughts that came into my head, and probably the number one thing is that men haven't impressed me at all, but they impress themselves and you know, the problem is and I'm not excluding myself from that it's very much the opposite. You know, if you can imagine a young guy who's silly enough to stare at guys in a pub, you know, and think that was manly and you know, it obviously didn't take me long to learn better. You know, I've come a long way since then, but I've seen thousands of men. I've worked with some of the toughest guys on earth Like I don't care who you are, I don't care if you're Mike Tyson, you're better off being humble. That'll save you right off the bat.

Speaker 2:

You know and yeah, I think humility is something which I mean what you've talked about referring things to the spirit and referring them towards obedience and God that you just desperately, desperately want to have when it relates to God and um yeah, that's the thing, and I have some.

Speaker 1:

I have two bible scriptures just to share with us um micah, 6, verse 8. He has told you, oh man, what is good and what does the lord require of you, but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. You know like, wow, man. You know like it should be part of all of our lives, then. And you know like to walk in humility, it's the manly thing to do. You know like I think sometimes, when people look at the kingdom of God, it seems like reversed man. You know like there are so many concepts in in the world. You know like people are like, oh yeah, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Jesus says, turn the other cheek. You know, yeah and how many?

Speaker 2:

how many eyes have you got left anyway?

Speaker 1:

that's the thing. It's an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind. You know, but but, but anyway. So jesus said like turn, turn the other cheek. And he said also he also said those who will wants to be first will be last, and those who are last will be first. You know like, and humility plays a big role and it should play a big role in your life as a christian. Um philippians 2, verse 3 to 5, says do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves, my friends, people with pride, it's, it's the, the ugliest thing that you could ever witness yeah, you're like, and I know a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

There was a time in my life I also had pride man. You know like, there's a difference between like I wouldn't say a good sense of pride. You can have respect, you know, but but if you think you're better than anybody else on this planet, that is not from god at all all right, mate, I'm just gonna bring this up.

Speaker 2:

My mom heard our first podcast and she said I think you did better than the other guy and mate, I said no, I said, michael did a good job too. So, mum, if you're hearing that, just see how the roots of pride clutch at my heart. Now my mum expects me to be smarter, Coming from a mother that means you did well and you need to look out for your mate, so yeah, Good intentions man. I had to think on my feet there, but oh the pride mate but pride.

Speaker 1:

Look, man, then that's something that that I think all of us as, as as people you know like we'll come across that at some point in our lives. You know, like sharpening his knife now he's on no man don't worry then. And you know like, at the end of the day, to have humility, man, is to have everything, man, because you can humble yourself enough. You know the Lord can work with you, man. The Lord can work with you.

Speaker 2:

Can I give a few more verses on the topic of humility? So it says clothe yourselves with humility one towards another, for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves in the eyes of the Lord, and he will exalt you in due time. Pride goeth before a fall. That's a classic one right there. It says only by pride cometh contention. Now, the way I sort of think about it, in life there's many, many people who are sick of the person next to them, but they never think about themselves. And I think the thing with pride is what we're talking about. We're referencing our behavior with reference to God, as opposed to ourself, most of these murderers that I've talked to you about. In order for them to think there's nothing wrong with it, they must be proud. They're the judge, they're the jury, nobody else matters. They're not worried about god, they don't. They don't think, oh, but you know, do I need someone to answer?

Speaker 2:

yeah or they're not thinking of you like, does it hurt you? I think, yeah, look, I just think humility is just absolutely what you need. It's the best thing I mean yeah.

Speaker 1:

Look, dan, it's amazing. I think we discussed quite a few things today. I'm just going to bring it all together. Sum it up for us one more time To be a man that walks the road and tries to be biblical. We believe these attributes really stood out.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, there are lots more. You know like there can be hundreds more, but these are the ones we just chose to focus on today. First was obedience, the second was self-control, the third one ability to resist temptation. They can technically be grouped together. I feel like they really go hand in hand. And then you have to be spirit led, and then the last one is you have to have humility. Guys, at the end of the day, none of us will ever be perfect. We can only strive to to be like the ultimate example and we mentioned that a little bit earlier today and that's jesus. Jesus is the, the person or jesus is is the figure that we should focus on. You know like, and if we want to be like, if you want to be a godly man that walks the road, you know, focus on jesus, because he is always the answer. Look at the way he walked on earth and that will be the answer to all of your problems. Um, dan, that's it from me today. Do you have any thoughts that you would like to end off with?

Speaker 2:

oh, I I feel very passionate now about all this and I'm prepared to have another go. But yeah, that's all right.

Speaker 1:

I think they get the idea okay, amazing guys, thank you so much as always for listening. Thank you so much for your support. Please feel free to get in touch with us. You will find all of our email addresses and things in the descriptions on your favorite streaming service and yo.

Speaker 2:

Goodbye and god bless yes, have a nice day. No-transcript.